Create Schedule Types

  1. In the inContact WFM v1 Web Portal, click ConfigurationSchedulingSchedule Types.
  2. Click Add Schedule Type in the Schedule Type Configuration pane.
  3. Click Edit by the Name field and type a unique name for the template.
  4. Click Edit by the Location field and select a location from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Edit by the Minimum minutes between shifts field and use the drop-down lists to specify the total hours and minutes that must elapse between an employee's scheduled shifts.
  6. Click Edit by the Maximum non-overtime hours per week field and use the drop-down lists to specify the total paid hours and minutes employees can work each week before they are in overtime.
  7. Click Edit by the Maximum total hours per week field and use the drop-down lists to specify the total paid hours and minutes an employee can work in any given week. If overtime is not allowed, this setting should have the same value as the previous setting.
  8. Click Edit by the Minimum hours per week field and use the drop-down lists to specify the minimum paid hours and minutes for which an employee should be scheduled.
  9. Click Edit by the Maximum non-overtime hours per day field and use the drop-down lists to specify the maximum paid hours and minutes employees can work in a given day before they are in overtime.
  10. Click Save.