Add Activities to Shift Templates

  1. In the inContact WFM v1 Web Portal, click ConfigurationSchedulingShift Templates.
  2. Locate the shift template in the Shift Template Configuration pane to which you want to add the activity and click Add Activity.
  3. Click Edit by the Activity Type field and then select an activity type from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Edit by the Length field and specify the total hours and minutes for the activity using the drop-down lists.
  5. Click Edit by the Start of starting range field and use the drop-down lists to specify the earliest time the activity can start in relation to the start of the shift.
  6. Click Edit by the End of starting range field and use the drop-down lists to specify the latest time the activity can start in relation to the start of the shift.
  7. Click Edit by the Buffer minutes before activity field and use the drop-down list to specify how many minutes must pass between the end of a previous activity and the beginning of this activity.
  8. Click Edit by the Buffer minutes after activity field and use the drop-down list to specify how many minutes must pass between the end of this activity and the beginning of the next.
  9. Click Save.