Page Details: Manage Agents

Filter Bar

The bar directly under the Manage Agents heading includes these filtering options to narrow the list of agents displayed:

Allows you to filter by Environment if your system includes more than one. The default value is (All). This selection affects the values displayed in additional fields.
Business Unit
Allows you to filter by Business Unit using a drop-down list of Business Units in your inContact WFMv2 system (not your Business Unit(s) in Central). If you specify an Environment, the list will be limited to that Environment's Business Units. The default value is (All).
Org Unit
Allows you to filter by Organizational Unit using a drop-down list of Organizational Units in your inContact WFMv2 system. If you specify an Environment, the list will be limited to that Environment's Organizational Units. The default value is (All).
Allows you to filter by Team Lead using a drop-down list of Team Leads in your inContact WFMv2 system. If you specify an Environment, the list will be limited to that Environment's Team Leads. The default value is (All).
Allows you to filter agents By Name, By HR ID, or By Attribute. The default value is All Agents. If you choose any of the non-default values, you can type a value in the Filter Term field and choose one of the following operators from the drop-down list: Starts With, Contains, or Ends With. If you choose By Attribute, you can select from a drop-down list of Custom Attributes.
Order by
Allows you to specify how the list should be displayed. You can choose one of the following from a drop-down list: Last Name, HR ID, Team Lead, Date Created, or Date Modified. The default value is Last Name. From the second drop-down list, you can choose whether to display the list in Ascending or Descending order. The default value is Ascending.
Retrieve Agents
Allows you to apply your filtering selections and update the list of agents.

Agents List

The list of agents includes the following information fields:

Last Name
Displays the agent's last name.
First Name
Displays the agent's first name.
Displays the Username with which the agent logs in to Central and accesses the inContact WFMv2 Workstation.
Displays the Team Lead to which the agent is assigned.
Management Level
Displays the Management Level assigned to the agent. For most agents, this value will be None.
Date Created
Displays the date and time the agent record was created.
Date Modified
Displays the last date and time that modifications to the agent record were saved.
Displays the action(s) that can be taken with this action. Choices may vary depending on your permissions:
  • View — Allows you to view the agent record
  • Edit — Allows you to edit the agent record

Pagination Controls

Standard pagination controls appear at the bottom of the agent list. These allow you to move to the next or previous page, and also control the number of records displayed on the page.

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