Change a User's Skill Proficiencies
Required security profile permissions: Users Edit
When you assign users to skills, you can set the users' proficiencies in those skills to help direct contacts to users with the greatest proficiency in the skill first, if available. As users spend time working in their skills, you may want to increase or decrease their proficiency levels in some of their skills.
When you change proficiency levels through the users feature, you can change many or all skills assigned to a single user at the same time. If you want to change many or all users assigned to a single skill at once instead, you must do so through the skills feature. For instructions, see Change Users' Proficiencies in a Skill.
For more information, see Users Overview.
Click Admin Users Users.
Use the page links on the bottom of the table or the search feature on the top to locate the user whose skill proficiencies you want to edit. Click anywhere the user's row to open the profile.
Click the Skills tab.
In the Assigned Skills table, locate the skills you want to modify. In each skill's row, click the drop-down in the Proficiency column and select the new level you want the user to have. Click Save Proficiencies.
See Also
- Add/Remove Skills to or from a User Profile — for instructions for adding skills to or removing skills from a user profile.
- Page Details: User Profile Skills Tab — for details about all buttons and columns available in the Skills tab.