CC Custom Fields

此動作允許您在 客戶卡片 中的自訂欄位中填入透過 IVRClosed 自動電話選單,允許呼叫者透過語音命令或按鍵輸入或二者進行互動,以獲取資訊、路由至呼入語音通話或二者兼有。CRMClosed 管理聯絡人、銷售資訊、支援詳情和案例歷史的第三方系統。 整合或類似指令碼收集的值。它並不支援在數位Closed 任何與Digital Experience相關的通道、聯絡或技能。互動中的自訂欄位中填入值。

例如,您可以要求聯絡人在與客服專員對話之前的 IVR 互動過程中提供其出生日期。透過在指令碼中包含 CC Custom Fields,您可以將該資訊填入 客戶卡片 中並在 MAX 中顯示。該欄位還可用於將流程自動化或編寫指令碼。

您可以對一位聯絡人使用多個 CC Custom Fields 動作。

這是允許已啟用 Digital Experience(Digital Experience) 的系統存取非數位指令碼中的 Digital Experience 客戶卡片 的多個動作之一。


  • 此動作需要 Digital Experience
  • 自訂欄位必須先於 Digital Experience 中建立,然後才能在指令碼中使用,因此必須為業務單元啟用 Digital Experience,並且您必須擁有該產品的至少一個已授權名額。
  • 此動作必須置於 Customer Card Createaction 動作之後,但在任何 ONANSWER action動作之前。

Supported Script Types

The icon for the Email script type - a large @ symbol in a diamond.

The icon for the Chat script type - a chat bubble with an ellipsis inside (...), in a diamond shape.

The icon for the Phone script type - an old-style phone handset with curved lines indicating sound coming out of it.

The icon for the SMS script type - a smart phone with a chat bubble coming out of it.

電郵 聊天 電話 SMS

Comparison of Similar Actions

以下動作允許您從支援的非數位Closed 任何與Digital Experience相關的通道、聯絡或技能。指令碼類型訪存取Digital Experience 客戶卡片


Input Properties





輸入在指令碼中唯一標識此操作的短語。標題出現在指令碼畫布上的動作圖示下。The default is the action name.

customCaseFields A list of the custom fields you want to populate. These are the values assigned in the Ident field. Field names will automatically be converted to lower case, and automatically have spaces replaced with an underscore (_). You don't need to use brackets or quotes when entering the list.
customCaseValues A list of values for the custom fields. You must have as many values as you have fields, but you may pass an empty value.

Result Branch Conditions








Script Example


In this example, CC Custom Fields is the third action, after Customer Card Create, with the caption CustomField. This allows the agent to see the age, number of laughs, and other information about the customer while handling an interaction with that customer. When scripted, the customCaseFields property would contain: age,laughs,state,cat_person,dog_person. The customCaseValues property would contain: 34,yes,Arkansas,no,yes.

The resulting event would be:

"EventType": "CustomFields",
"MessageId": "1c60020e-978b-4e65-82a0-1d75b08ee4d1",
"TenantId": "11e9d30c-b236-e0c0-96e2-0242ac110004",
"ContactId": 1684463,
"MasterId": 222599970,
"CustomData": {
	"age": "34",
	"laughs": "yes",
	"state": "Arkansas",
	"cat_person": "no",
	"dog_person": "yes"