
Voice ACD skillsClosed enable phone calls to and from your contact center. You can use different types of voice ACD skills: 

If you make a lot of outbound calls, your calls may begin to be marked as spam. These tips can help you avoid this: 

  • Add Caller ID Name (CNAM) services or Universal Call Branding to your environment.
  • Don't call the same lead too frequently.
  • Keep your dialer drop rate under 3%.
  • Make sure contacts can reach you if they try to call back.
  • Verify you aren't making marketing calls to numbers on the National Do Not Call Registry.
  • Place your calls over several geographic regions. This spreads the calls out over multiple receiving carriers and call blocking systems.
  • Rotate the caller ID you use for outbound ACD skills periodically.
  • Obtain a local phone number for each region, state, or area code you're calling.
  • Register your phone number with the major caller ID reputation registries.

Key Facts about Voice