24.2 Release Notes

This page shows the products and features in the 24.2 release cycle, which begins on 21 May 2024 and ends on 25 July 2024. Features are subject to change between now and the end of the release cycle. You may receive these features at different times throughout the release cycle, but you will have them all by 25 July 2024. Remember that you may be required to purchase a license or sign up for a controlled release (CR) program to access some of them.

View the 24.2 webinar recording and presentation slides. These cover the features in more detail.

Learn about the platform requirements and FedRAMP support status for the CXone apps you use.

Global Changes

User Account Switching

Previously, if you had multiple CXone accounts, the only way to switch between them was to log out and back in again with the other account. In this release, you can define a primary account and then have your secondary accounts linked to it. This update allows you to switch between your accounts without having to log out and back in again. You have to log in to your primary account before you can switch between your primary and secondary accounts.

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Removed Applications and Features

Google Cookie Deprecation

Google will deprecate their third-party cookies by the end of 2024. Because of this, you may see issues in your Agent for SCV screen popsClosed A configurable pop-up window with information about the contact. It appears on an agent's screen after a certain event, usually when the agent connects to a contact.. To prevent issues from Google's cookie deprecation, you need to enable clickjack protection in your Salesforce application. You also have to add two URLs as trusted domains. This update also helps protect you from clickjack attacks.

For more details about clickjack protection, select the Agent for SCV filter on the top right.

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New Applications

Monitoring Gateway Subscriptions

You can view all types of call monitoring data with CXone Voice Quality Metrics. Monitoring Gateway Subscriptions gives you direct access to that data. You can pull your call data directly out of CXone into your own monitoring platform. This lets you work with the data directly and visualize it according to your needs. You can be empowered to proactively control and monitor the health of your contact center.

CXone produces call data via webhooks. Monitoring Gateway lets you subscribe to the data stream. When setting up your subscription, you provide a URL to where you want to receive the data. Once configured, CXone will continuously send the data at a near real-time rate.

With this release, the data stream provides two types of data:

  • Information on API calls made from your Studio scripts.

  • All information provided in Voice Quality Metrics, like packet loss, jitter rates, MOS scores, and so forth.

Monitoring Gateway Subscriptions is in a controlled release. Contact your CXone Account Representative for more information.

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Improved Performance of Advanced Routing

The ACDClosed System that recognizes, routes, and connects contacts to available agents based on skill and priority can remove invalid interactions from the contact matching system. This decreases the risk of downtime. It also improves the stability and scalability of contact matching.

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Set Up Single Logout with OpenID Connect Login Authenticators

Previously, logging out of CXone did not log users out of their OpenID Connect external identity provider (IdP). Users had to log out of both applications separately. In this release, when users log out of CXone, they can also be logged out of their IdP. This functionality is known as single logout. To configure single logout with your IdP, you have to enter an End Session Endpoint in your OpenID Connect login authenticator. This field automatically fills in if you enter a discovery endpoint from your IdP. If you do not have a discovery endpoint, then you can edit the field manually. This update makes it easier for users to log out of CXone and their IdP.

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Upload GDPR Requests in a New Privacy Page

As part of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), end users have the right to erasure. This means if a contact requests that you delete their data, you have to delete or anonymize all their personal information. This includes the information housed in CXone. Previously, to erase their information, you had to manually forward their request to CXone. In this release, you can upload these GDPR requests on a new privacy page in Admin. You can upload the requests manually on the privacy page or in bulk with a bulk upload template. CXone can only identify your contact through their phone number or email address. This update makes it easier to comply with the GDPR.

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Agent Assist Hub

Custom Agent Assist Integrations

Custom agent assist integrations are now generally available. This Agent Assist Hub option allows you to use any agent assist application with CXone. This is helpful for organizations that use an agent assist application that isn't natively supported in Agent Assist Hub. Custom integrations require additional planning and custom scripting.

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Agent for SCV

Google Cookie Deprecation

Google will deprecate its third-party cookies by the end of 2024. Because of this, you may see issues in your SCV screen popsClosed A configurable pop-up window with information about the contact. It appears on an agent's screen after a certain event, usually when the agent connects to a contact.. To prevent issues from Google's cookie deprecation, you need to enable clickjack protection in your Salesforce application. You also have to add two URLs as trusted domains. This update helps protect you from clickjack attacks.

For more details about clickjack protection, see the next note.

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Clickjack Protection with Click2Jack

You can set up clickjack protection with Click2Jack. Clickjacking occurs when an attacker adds an element, like a button, to your site to get users to click on it. Once the user has clicked on the malicious button, they are routed to the attacker's site. Enabling Click2Jack helps protect you from clickjack attacks. It also prevents issues from Google's third-party cookie deprecation. For more details about Google's cookie deprecation see the previous note.

To set up these protections and prevent further issues, you need to enable Click2Jack in your Salesforce application . You also need to add the following URLs as trusted domains:

  • https://mydomain.lightning.force.com

  • https://mydomain.my.salesforce.com

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Updates to After Contact Work

There are several updates to After Contact WorkClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction (ACW). Agents can:

  • Manually exit an ACW state by changing their stateClosed The availability status of an agent in the omnichannel widget. This removes the need to navigate to the after-call widget to exit an ACW state.

  • Select their next state during a call. The next state can either override ACW or come after the ACW state depending on your settings.

  • Make outbound calls while in an unavailable state. After the outbound call, the agent returns to that unavailable state instead of going into an ACW state.

  • Select an ACW state instead of returning to an available state after a call. Agents can stay in that ACW state until they are ready to return to an available state.

These updates give you and your agents more control over agent states.

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Transfer Details Screen Pop

When an agent accepts a transferred call, the details of the call automatically pop up on that agent's screen. The pop-up includes the following information:

  • The contact's phone number.

  • The name of the original agent who received the call.

  • The time that the call started, was accepted, and ended for the previous agent.

  • Any notes that the previous agent made during the call.

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Manage IEX Data with SmartSync APIs

Previously, you could only move data between IEX WFM and CXone by importing and exporting files via SFTP. In this release, you can also export data with SmartSync APIs. This provides you an easy and secure method of managing and accessing data.

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CXone Expert Analytics API

You can run CXone Expert UI reports via API. This lets you parse the data using your preferred BI tool. The data will not change between the UI and API reporting methods.

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DEVone Integrations

Customer Dynamics

New Product Introduction: Velocity

Velocity provides an all-in-one platform for outbound communication. It combines campaign management and full compliance into one tool. This helps you send high-capacity communication through the CXone dialer. The following are key features of Velocity:

  • Omnichannel Marketing: You can send voice, SMSClosed Short Message Service; also known as text messaging., and email campaigns in a single strategy.

  • Human Sequence Selection: To stay TCPA-compliant, agents select each message to send. This also helps agents work with more than one campaign at a time.

  • Easy Suppression: A simple UI lets you manage suppression features, such as:

    • Setting custom rules like allowing two calls per week

    • Managing do not call files

    • Scrubbing outdated numbers

  • Calls to Action: Engage contacts with callback scheduling, payment links, and more.

  • Compliance with TCPA and Financial Regulations: Follow state-by-state requirements for debt collections.

  • Taking Payments: Agents can process payments during interactions.

Velocity helps simplify compliance and scalability issues. It also helps make your outbound communication more effective.

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New Product Introduction: MediaVault Plus

MediaVault Plus provides an enhanced option for storing, retrieving, and reviewing your interaction data. It fully integrates with CXone as a media management tool. A simple user interface lets you manage and review the files, which are stored on the Microsoft Azure Cloud using AES-256 encryption. The following are key highlights of MediaVault Plus:

MediaVault Plus works for small to enterprise-sized businesses. It will be a scalable option to handle all your storage-related needs.

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CXone Expert

Analytics API

You can run CXone Expert UI reports via API. This allows you to parse the data using your preferred BI tool. The data doesn't change between the UI and API reporting methods.

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Custom Dictionary

Previously, you could build a custom dictionary with XML files and templates. In this release, you can use the CXone Expert UI or API to create a list of words to translate and to not translate for each available language. This feature helps you build trust with your consumers by preserving tone and branded terminology no matter what language your readers use.

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Traffic Insights Report Updates

The Traffic Insights report includes the following enhancements: 

  • Clearer information about website traffic and engagement

  • More intuitive presentation

These changes make the report easier to understand quickly.

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Search Recommendations Moved

Search Recommendations have been migrated from Dashboard to Control Panel. This update improves the UI and makes the organization of features more intuitive.

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Schedule Publish

You can create publication schedules without using custom scripts. You can also view, sort, and filter site-wide publication schedules to help you manage workflows. Non-administrative users don't have access to the list of site-wide publications. They can only see the schedules they have read access for at the page level.

This update provides you with several benefits: 

  • Adhere to content delivery timelines without coordinating content team availability

  • Optimize and scale your content delivery and streamline workflows to reduce effort for your content teams

  • Make the process accessible to more content contributors

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Third-Party Cookies

You can maintain privacy compliance while delivering personalized content to your users.

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Feedback Management

Topic Filtering for Text Analytics

For systems where hierarchical topics are enabled, the text analytics charts are now filtered by topic and subtopic. You can select one or more filters at a time. This lets you answer questions on a specific topic.

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Spanish Comments Processed in Spanish

Comments submitted in Spanish are processed and tagged in Spanish. This lets the Text Analytics engine preserve the meaning and nuances of the comments in the language they were written in. The analysis is translated back into your chosen language for you to use. You can also see the comments and tags translated into your language.

Analyzing survey comments in the original Spanish allows for a more accurate identification of themes and sentiments in these surveys.

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ElevateAI in New Languages

If you use ElevateAI for Speech-to-Text (STT) transcriptions of IVR comments, you can see transcriptions for Cantonese, French, German, and Mandarin.

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Improved Survey Change History Page

The Survey Change History page, which lets you monitor user changes to your surveys, matches the structure and style of the CXone user interface. This makes it more secure and easier to use.

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Quick Navigation to Academy in Dojo

You can now access the Academy from the Feedback Management top navigation by clicking HelpAcademy. This gives you easier access to the online training courses.

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IEX WFM Integrated

These features will be available with the 8.0 version of IEX WFM Integrated. Contact your CXone Account Representative for more information.

Forecast By True to Interval

In the 2024-1 release, the CXone ACD started sending data to IEX under the True to Interval (TTI) paradigm. In this release, IEX lets you forecast based on TTI data. If you have permission to create forecasts, you can generate a secondary forecast for the active contact values. This is configurable for Inbound and Inbound Workload contact types. Learn how to forecast with TTI in Appendix A of the Forecaster User Guide .

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Modernization of the RCP Interface

With the 8.0 version of IEX WFM, all parts of the RCP interface was updated. The following are highlights of the new UI:

  • A single main menu bar

  • Consistent formatting and alignment

  • Updated table display

  • Updated icons for 300 existing activity codes

  • Solid-color activity codes for 20 icons

These updates better align the UI with NICE branding and improve the display of icons in views and reports.

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Security Audit Trail Available in Supervisor Webstation

Security audit trail data is available in the Supervisor Webstation. This includes data on user activities that impact system security, such as:

  • User logins and logouts

  • Creation, modification, and deactivation of users and roles

  • Settings changes related to security, passwords, and permissions

Supervisors can sort and filter the data as needed. This gives supervisors easy access to monitoring system security. You can export this data via API.

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Direct Integration with Workday and UKG Ready

Previously, you could only set up a custom integration with Workday and UKG Ready. This typically required a complex custom setup. In this release, you can integrate Workday and UKG Ready with IEX WFM directly. New screens in Supervisor Webstation let you set up the integration, add actions, and so forth. This lets you conveniently manage PTO information within IEX.

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Manage IEX Data with SmartSync APIs

Previously, you could move data between IEX WFM and CXone by importing and exporting files via SFTP. In this release, you can also export data with SmartSync APIs. This provides you an easy and secure method of managing and accessing data.

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Employee Engagement Manager

The EEM version will update from 9.0 to 9.1 in this release.

Data Consistency for Workload Contact Type

Previously, the intraday data did not match with IEX WFM for workload contact types. In this release, the data is captured differently to match IEX WFM. This makes data consistent between EEM and IEX. Also, if you previously had a workaround set up, the process is now automated.

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PTO Group Allotments

You can add a second check when agents request PTO in EEM. In addition to net staffing, agents also need to have sufficient group PTO. When configuring your net staffing template, you can determine if you want EEM to consider only net staffing, only group allotment, or both.

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Bulk Association of Self-Service Templates

Previously, you were required to update CT and Site combinations one at a time for self-service templates. In this release, you can configure these associations in bulk. This speeds up and simplifies the process of configuring these associations.

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Interaction Analytics

Text Corrections Name Change

The Text Corrections page allows you to adjust words and phrases that were transcribed incorrectly from voice interactions. The name of this page has changed from Text Corrections to Voice Transcript Corrections. This helps clarify the function of the page, since you can only adjust the text from voice transcripts.

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Partner Applications


Remove Access Key Permissions for Account Mapping User

When mapping CXone with a partner platform, the connection is set up using the credentials of a CXone user account. This user is required to have several CXone permissions. In this release, the user no longer needs access key permissions. Fewer required permissions increases security by removing unnecessary access.

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UAE and Osaka Support

Presence Sync and Directory Sync are available in the UAE and Osaka regions.

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Voice Quality Metrics

Monitoring Gateway Subscriptions

You can view all types of call monitoring data with CXone Voice Quality Metrics. Monitoring Gateway Subscriptions gives you direct access to that data. You can pull your call data directly out of CXone into your own monitoring platform. This lets you work with the data directly and visualize it according to your needs. You can be empowered to proactively control and monitor the health of your contact center.

For more details about this feature, select the New Applications filter on the top right.

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Global Filter

Previously, when accessing your call monitoring data, Voice Quality Metrics queried the CXone database for all calls within your specified time range. After retrieving the calls, you could filter the list. Depending on your call volume, this was a slow process to find certain types of calls.

In this release, a global filter lets you limit the calls that you request from the database. Instead of receiving all calls from the database, you can specify exactly which calls you want to view. For example, you can see only calls with poor quality, only WebRTC calls, and so forth. This filter makes troubleshooting faster and more convenient.

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Amazon Polly Available as a Text-to-Speech Provider in Cloud TTS

You can now use the Amazon Polly text-to-speech (TTS) service with CXone. Your organization must have an account with Amazon to use this option. This update expands the range of TTS service options available for use with Cloud TTS.

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Cloud TTS Support for Google Custom Voice

Cloud TTS now supports using custom TTS voices that you've created with Google Custom Voice. You must have Google TTS to use this feature. Your organization is responsible for creating the audio recordings and training, and for maintaining and debugging the voice model. The new functionality for Google Custom Voice expands your options for TTS voices to use with CXone.

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New Languages for Studio-native TTS

Studio-native TTS now supports these languages:

  • Chinese Mandarin

  • Dutch - Belgium

  • English - Canada

  • Hindi

  • Portuguese - Brazil

  • Polish

  • Swedish

To see a full list of supported languages, go to the Supported Languages page, click Filter by Application on the top right, then select the TTS filter.

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Virtual Agent Hub

Native Support for Cognigy Agents

The Cognigy virtual agent is now available to use with CXone on voice and digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. chat-based channelsClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on.. Voice integrations require a SIPClosed Protocol used for signaling and controlling multimedia communication sessions such as voice and video calls. backchannel configuration. Chat integrations can be set up through Virtual Agent Hub. Cognigy is a company that specializes in conversational AI products, including this virtual agent offering. This update expands the list of virtual agent providers that are natively supported in CXone.

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CXone Workforce Management

Schedule Manager: Select and Clear All When Publishing New Schedules

In the Publish New Schedules window, you can select all or clear all selected scheduling units.

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RTA: Adherence Summary Tabs Including Active Agents

The tabs in RTA now show adherence data. At a glance, you can see how many agents are active (working or scheduled to be working), and are in or out of adherence.

In addition, two tabs have been renamed:

  • All tab renamed to Active Agents: The tab doesn't display all agents. Instead, the Active Agents tab displays agents that are working or scheduled to work.

  • Alerts tab renamed to Unmapped: The column continues to display agents whose ACD Login ID or actual activity isn't mapped.

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Intraday: Widgets Interface Upgrade

The display of the Intraday widgets is updated to be easier to read. You will be able to hover over each graph for more details.

Previously, you could highlight the variance columns to see when the variance was high or low. In this release, you can include a heatmap that shows variance highlights at the bottom of each widget.

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Long-Term Forecasting

Introducing long-term forecasting capability. This feature is available for CXone WFM Advanced users. This capability lets you generate forecast data for a duration ranging from 1 to 5 years.

Forecast data is available at a granularity of a day level.

You are able to perform several actions on the generated forecast job. This includes:

  • Download forecast data as a CSV file for in-depth analysis

  • Duplicate a job

  • Delete a job

  • View forecast data

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Removal of MFA for Clear Historical Data

Previously, when you wanted to clear historical data, the system needed your login details. It didn’t use multi-factor authentication (MFA). Enabling MFA could disrupt the system.

In this release, this issue is fixed by a new confirmation method before deleting historical data. The new method does not require your usual login details, like your username and password. Two-level confirmation is provided. This helps stop any data from being deleted by mistake.

This change improves the user experience and streamlines the process.

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Improved Schedule Generation

As part of the schedule generation enhancement:

  • CXone Workforce Management supports digital channels, such as WhatsApp.

  • The generation process is optimized. It's faster and more accurate.

  • Changes to daylight saving time are now considered. For example, if the change occurs during a shift, the schedules will be adapted accordingly.

  • After the schedule is generated, you can download a process report. If agents weren't included in the schedule, you could see why in this report.

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Distribution Rules

With distribution rules, CXone Workforce Management can understand how customer interactions are routed to agents. This helps copy the ACD routing, but not control where the interactions go. Allocating agents is more efficient with this data.

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Bidding Template: Define Number of Patterns for Each Weekly Rule

When creating or editing a bidding template, you can select how many patterns of each weekly rule are generated.

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Weekly Rules: Range for Consecutive Days Off

You can select between 2 and 7 consecutive days off when creating or editing a weekly rule.

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Manage Request Enhancements

In this release, the request management capabilities for managers are enhanced.

  • Managers can approve each request individually for an agent on a particular date.

  • Requests spanning multiple dates are visible under all dates, not just the first date of the request.

  • The status of a multi-day request is determined based on the status of individual requests within the multi-day request. If any request is pending, the entire multi-day request status will be pending.

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Release Adjustments

The Release Adjustments section describes the changes, removals, and additions made in the feature descriptions since the initial coming soon announcement for the 24.2 release.

Changed Features

This section describes changes that have been made to feature descriptions since the initial coming soon announcement. Each item includes a description of the feature as it was previously published on the Coming Soon page and an explanation of what changed.

Agent for SCV

Clickjack Protection with Click2Jack

It was previously announced that you would need to add https://mydomain.force.com to your trusted domains. This was changed to https://mydomain.lightning.force.com.

Transfer Details Screen Pop

It was previously announced that the transfer details screen pop could include the call type. This was removed.

Feedback Management

Elevate AI in New Languages

It was previously announced that transcriptions would be available for French and German. Now, transcriptions will also be available for Mandarin and Cantonese.

Features Removed from This Release

This section describes product changes that were included in the initial coming soon announcement and have since been removed from this release. These will not be part of the 24.2 release but may be part of a future release.

New Applications

Accent Matching

Accent Matching is a tool that will change an agent's voice, in real time, to a voice with an accent from an English-speaking country. This will make it easier for contacts to understand agents whose native language is not English. It will also reduce frustration and improve customer satisfaction.

Agents will be able to select a voice avatar for each call. Voice avatars will include a male and female option for different English accents. This includes Australian, British, Irish, and US English accents.

You will be able to monitor Accent Matching with: 

  • An Accent Matching dashboard that shows the usage and minutes.

  • Recordings of calls that use Accent Matching. This will allow you to review the accent and assess the impact of the accent on your calls. Call recording for these calls will not be enabled by default.

In this initial controlled release of Accent Matching, you will need to download an audio driver to each agent's computer.

This feature will be available later in the release cycle.

Accelerated Business Continuity

NICE CXone will be able to create a secondary tenantClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone environment for you in a separate region. This will allow your contact center to continue running in case of an emergency. If your primary tenant is unable to function, then NICE CXone can migrate your agents and calls to the secondary tenant. After your secondary tenant is set up, you will be able to create a template user. This user should only have the minimum necessary skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, scripts, and points of contactClosed The entry point that an inbound contact uses to initiate an interaction, such as a phone number or email address. for your agents to do their jobs. NICE CXone will apply this template to each of your agents during migration. The secondary tenant will only support voice channels.

Reason for removal: This tool will not be available for Central users.

Features Added to This Release

Cloud TTS

New Languages for Studio-native TTS


Disable cURL Reporting

Disable ACD Dashboards


New Languages for Studio-native TTS