24.3 Release Notes

This page shows the products and features currently planned for the 24.3 release cycle, which began on 25 July 2024 and ends when the next release begins, which is currently targeted for November 2024. Features are subject to change between now and the end of the release cycle. You may receive these features at different times throughout the release cycle. Remember that you may be required to purchase a license or sign up for a controlled release (CR) program to access some of them.

The 24.3 webinar recording and presentation slides will cover the features in more detail.

Learn about the platform requirements and FedRAMP support status for the CXone apps you use.

What's New in the Online Help

File Path Changes

The following sections or pages have experienced a URL change. If you have links or bookmarks to these areas, you will need to update them:

Permanent Link Button

Each page in the online help now includes a Permanent Link button in the toolbar on the top right corner. When you click Permanent Link, a box with a link to the current page appears. This link will always point to the same content, even if the path to the page changes later. This serves as an alternative to copying the link from the browser address bar, which gives you a link that will break if the page name or path changes in the future.

Using permanent links to create bookmarks or links to CXone online help pages can help you avoid 404 errors in future publications of the CXone online help.

New Applications


Click-to-Call lets you add a button to your website where visitors can reach one of your live contact center agents using their browser's softphone. This can help you to reduce or eliminate: 

  • Extra steps to connect to a Sales or Support team.

  • Overhead costs, such as service number fees and mobile surcharges.

You can add the Click-to-Call button to your website without advanced coding knowledge. It only requires you to copy in a few lines of code. Click-to-Call is only available for website visitors using a desktop device.

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Improvements to Campaigns and Agent Messaging Pages

The Campaigns and Agent Messaging pages have a new look and feel. The basic functionality of these pages hasn't change. The benefits of the updates include:

  • Reduced loading time

  • Increased security

  • Updated and modernized page design

The URLs for these pages have also changed. Make sure the new URLs are on your allowlist:

  • Campaigns:

    • /acd/#/admin/campaigns

    • /acd/#/admin/campaigns/create

    • /acd/#/admin/campaigns/x

  • Agent Messages:

    • /acd/#/communication/agent-messages

    • /acd/#/communication/agent-messages/create

    • /acd/#/communication/agent-messages/x

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Browser Inactivity Timeout Setting

Previously, your system browser inactivity timeout setting could only be changed by NICE. This setting ends an agent's session in their CXone agent application when they've been inactive for a certain amount of time. In this release, you can change this setting in the business unit profile using two new fields:

  • Logout Agent with Browser Inactivity: Enables the browser inactivity timeout feature.

  • Browser Inactivity Timeout: Sets the timeout threshold. You enter the number of seconds an agent can be inactive before CXone ends their session. The minimum setting is 150 seconds, and the maximum is 7200 seconds. Numbers outside this range produce an error and you won't be able to save your business unit profile.

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ACD Routing

Channel Lock Setting for Users and Teams

Previously, agents configured in the Omnichannel Delivery Mode were always subject to an AND type of configuration. For example, an agent configured with a Total Contact Count of 3 could receive one voice and two chat interactions at the same time. This often led to overworked agents.

In this release, a new Channel Lock setting breaks the AND methodology by temporarily locking an agent to the channel they're currently handling. If the agent has a Total Contact Count of 3, they can now treat these channels with more independence. The agent can now receive one voice OR two chat interactions, but not both at the same time. When the agent's interactions have ended, the lock ends. The agent can then receive interactions from any configured channel.

This feature allows your agents to handle time-sensitive interactions like chats and phone calls without becoming overworked.

To use this feature, you must have dynamic delivery enabled for your environment. The team or user profile you're configuring must have Omnichannel set as the Delivery Mode. User settings override team settings.

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ACD Channels

Ability to Use Alphanumeric SMS Codes

Previously, you could only use numeric SMSClosed Short Message Service; also known as text messaging. codes. In this release, you can also use alphanumeric codes. Alphanumeric codes allow you to use a mix of letters and numbers in your code. Some countries, like Ireland, require alphanumeric SMS codes. This update allows you to use SMS in more countries.

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Agent Assist Hub

ConnectLingua Real Time Audio Translation

A new agent assist application is available. ConnectLingua translates live audio from both agents and contactsClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center.. This lets agents and contacts speak in their preferred language, removing any potential language barriers. It lets your agents serve contacts in over 65 languages and 90 dialects, using AI as a live translation service for voice, email, digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience., SMSClosed Short Message Service; also known as text messaging., and voicemail interactionsClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation..

For more details, select the DEVone filter on the top right.

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ConnectLingua AI Copilot

A new agent assist application is available. ConnectLingua AI Copilot is an agent augmentation suite that provides real-time monitoring and guidance with its multiple intelligent automation. ConnectLingua AI Copilot works with voice, email, digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience., SMSClosed Short Message Service; also known as text messaging., and voicemail channelsClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. to provide detailed analytics and conversational insights.

For more details, select the DEVone filter on the top right.

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Agent for Service Cloud Voice

To see these features, you need re-download Agent for Service Cloud Voice from the Salesforce AppExchange.

Dispositions, Tags, and Notes

Agents can add dispositionsClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction., tags, and notes to calls they handle in Agent for SCV. Only one disposition per call is allowed. Dispositions improve reporting and save time. Tags associate the calls with Salesforce records.

To allow agents to use this feature, you need to enable Disposition for the ACD skills used in Agent for SCV. For each skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, you can select the Required checkbox to require agents to add dispositions to calls.

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Record Calls

Calls handled in Agent for SCV are now automatically recorded. After a call ends, the recording is available in the Call Recording URL field of the Voice Call record in Salesforce. When clicked, the URL opens in a new window and plays the recording.

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Support for WatchRTC SDK

Your CXone Account Representative can enable the WatchRTC SDK for Agent for SCV. The WatchRTC SDK reports agents' audio quality. It identifies issues and possible solutions. This is in addition to the previously announced support for the WatchRTC Chrome extension.

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Bring Data from Non-CXone ACDs into CXone WFM via JAVA SDK

A new group of APIs lets you send real-time and historical data from non-CXone ACDsClosed System that recognizes, routes, and connects contacts to available agents based on skill and priority to CXone WFM. The APIs are consumed via a JAVA software development kit (SDK). These APIs let you:

  • Handle API authentication.

  • Retrieve the non-CXone ACD details.

  • Receive and process intraday and skill historical data.

  • Receive and process agent activity report data.

  • Receive and process agent stateClosed The availability status of an agent data.

  • Monitor the connection between the ACD and CXone WFM.

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New ACD API Version

The current version of ACD APIs updated to v31 in the 24.3 release.

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Data Types Change in Responses from /dnc-groups

The data types of several fields in the GET and POST /dnc-groups API will change:

Response Field Existing Data Type New Data Type
dncGroupId String Integer
validRecords String Integer
isActive String Boolean
isRemoved Integer Boolean
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Admin API Updates

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Enhanced Security for UserHub APIs

Several UserHub APIs now require authorization. This enhances the security of your application using the APIs. The following table displays existing APIs without authorization and the correlating API that you can use as a substitute, which are more secure. It also includes the required permissions to use the secure API. If you are using an insecure API, you may want to update and use the secured version.

Insecure API Secured API

/user/getById/{userId} GET

/user-management/v1/users/{userId} GET

/user-management/v2/users/{userId} GET

/user-management/v3/users/{userId} GET

Required Permissions: "user:view", "user:my:view"

/user-management/v1/teams/search POST (Search team by Filter)

/user-management/v2/teams/search POST (Search team by Filter)

/user-management/v3/teams/search POST (Search team by Filter)

/user-management/v4/teams/search POST

Required Permissions: "Teams:View"

/user-management/v1/teams POST (Create New team)

/user-management/v2/teams POST (Create New team)

/user-management/v3/teams POST

Required Permissions: "Teams:Create"

/user-management/v1/teams/{teamId} GET (Get team By ID)

/user-management/v2/teams/{teamId} GET (Get team By ID)

/user-management/v3/teams/{teamId} GET

Required Permissions: "Teams:View"

/user/invite POST (this was invite with user emails in request)

/user-management/v1/users/invite POST (this was invite with user ids in request)

/user-management/v2/users/inviteByEmail POST

/user-management/v2/users/inviteById POST

Required Permissions: "user:invite"

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Interaction Analytics

Category Unification and Configuration Updates

Currently, you can configure category setsClosed Category groupings that help you use the data for a specific purpose. Out-of-the-box category templates include Intent to Buy and Risk Aversion. (templates) under Templates > Category Templates. In this release:

To view these updates, you must click Update Data on the Language Model page to reprocess your account. Reprocessing all of your company's data can take up to several hours. You should finish making any additional updates you want to other Language Model settings before you click Update Data to save and reprocess. Since a reprocess can take a long time to complete, consider when performing this action would be least disruptive. You can view the reprocess status at the bottom of the left navigation menu.

Until you update your data, all previous categoryClosed Data groups that Interaction Analytics uses for parsed call transcript data. They make it easier to find trends. UI is visible, but you cannot make any edits to category functionality. IA still gathers data and you can use all other areas of the application except categories.

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IA Supported in UAE

Interaction Analytics is available in the UAE.

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Enhancements to Workspace and Widget Filters

Previously, workspaceClosed Named view of one or more widgets. filters overrode widgetClosed Graphical representation of data that meets specified filter criteria. filters and limited filtering options for widgets. In this release:

This update gives you greater control over the data displayed in your widgets.

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Personal Connection

Priority-Based Blending with Speed to Lead Skills

Speed to lead skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge route hot leads directly to the calling queue. You can blend speed to lead skills with other outbound and inbound skills. By blending these skills with other skills, contactsClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. are more evenly distributed to agents who can help them. It also helps agents be more productive.

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Block Entire Contact Records After DNC Requests

Previously, when you received a Do Not Contact (DNC) request, CXone only blocked the contact's destination. A phone number or email address is an example of a contact's destination. The contact's record remained in CXone. Agents could still contact them through another destination on their record, like a secondary phone number. In this release, CXone can block the entire record of the contact if one of their destinations matches the DNC list. This update helps you stay in compliance with the FCC's one to one consent rule This link leads to an external website..

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Configure Ring Timeout on Manual Outbound Calls

Previously, the ring timeout for manual outbound calls was set at 55 seconds. You could not edit this timeout. In this release, you can edit the ring timeout for manual outbound calls. The maximum ring timeout is 180 seconds. This update allows agents to have more time to reach their contacts.

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Updated Skill Control Page

The outbound skill control page was updated in the following ways:

  • It has a new look and feel similar to most pages in Admin.

  • It provides additional insight into agents, inventory, and ports.

  • You can click data in the table to view more specific information. For example, if you click data in the List Inventory section of the table, you can view the available contacts for that skill. You can also view the agent summary for that skill.

  • The notification section was moved from the bottom of the page to the right side of the page. It is labeled History instead of Notifications. The History section records changes that are made on the page. The History section resets each day at 12:00 AM.

  • You can drag and drop columns to different places in the table. When you refresh the page, the columns return to their default order.

  • There is a new Columns tab on the right side of the table. The tab allows you to hide columns you don't want to view. When you refresh the page, the columns that you hid are visible again.

  • The Calls Made column only displays the total number of calls for that day. The information resets to 0 each day at 12:00 AM.

  • You can modify the dialing ratio for each skill without having to go into individual skill pages. This saves you time as you make configuration changes.

  • You can view and update assigned ports on the page.

These updates make it easier for you to view and modify skills.

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Data Download Reports

Scheduled Report Queuing

Previously, high volumes of scheduled custom and data download reports could cause the reports to time out during processing. In this release, scheduled reports enter a queue and run successively. This helps reports run more smoothly at high volume times, like at the end of a month or quarter.

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Report History Tab

Previously, the Scripts tab on the Schedule Run History Report page showed the history of scheduled data download reports. In this release, it only contains the reports that ran before 24.3. A new Reports tab shows the scheduled data download reports from after 24.3. The Reports tab supports the differences in data caused by the new scheduled report queuing feature. The Reports tab will eventually replace the Scripts tab.

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Custom Reports

Scheduled Report Queuing

Previously, high volumes of scheduled custom and data download reports could cause the reports to time out during processing. In this release, scheduled reports enter a queue and run successively. This helps reports run more smoothly at high volume times, like at the end of a month or quarter.

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Virtual Agent Hub

External Provider Timeout Setting

Previously, when a third-party virtual agentClosed A software application that handles customer interactions in place of a live human agent. provider encountered a problem, the Studio script waited for the provider platform to resolve the issue or to send an error. This could cause the contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. to wait up to two minutes.

In this release, you can configure a new timeout setting called External Provider Timeout. This allows you to set the amount of time, between 30 seconds and two minutes, that the Studio script waits for the provider platform to respond. If the timeout is reached, the script will proceed, taking the error branch. This change helps you prevent the contact from experiencing unacceptable delays during an interaction.

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CXone Workforce Management

Intraday: Updates to Columns in the Volume Metric

With these updates, you can get more data from Intraday.

There are two more columns in the table:

In addition, the Handled column is now called Answered. Answered is a more accurate term because interactions are measured when an agent starts handling them.

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Agent Configuration: Work Rules for Agents

Each agent now has a work rule assigned to them. These rules provide more flexibility and control over your agents' scheduling. For example, you can define how many hours each agent can work per week. You can also create work rules for a specific date range. This is useful for when an agent can work more or less during different times of the year, such as during the summer break.

While maintaining a flexible and adaptable workforce, work rules help you:

  • Ensure compliance

  • Reduce legal risks

  • Improve employee satisfaction

  • Promote efficient operations

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Adding Time Off: Removal of the Can’t Be Overwritten Option

When adding time off in the Schedule Manager, the Can’t be overwritten by the automatic scheduler option has been removed. When you create a time-off activity, it won't be overwritten if you generate a new schedule.

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CXone WFM Open Integration with Non-CXone ACDs

CXone WFM now enables open integration with LiveVox and non-CXone ACDs.

Supported non-CXone ACDs include:

  • LiveVox

  • Twilio

  • Zendesk

  • Avaya CMS

  • Amazon Connect

  • Microsoft ACS

  • Genesys Pure Cloud

The integration supports ACDs with 15-minute intervals.

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Support for Outbound - Forecasting and Intraday

CXone WFM now supports outbound forecasting capabilities.

With this enhancement:

  • You have improved control over your blended workforce. This includes both inbound and outbound interactions.

  • You can create and configure inbound and outbound skills, tailoring forecasts to your specific needs.

  • Existing WEM skills can be realigned.

Forecasts cover:

  • Pure outbound skills.

  • Inbound skills.

  • Blended skills that involve both interaction types.

Furthermore, outbound support extends to Intraday Management.

This capability supports CXone, LiveVox and non-CXone ACDs that are being supported with this release.

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Improvements to Manage Requests

Managers can now approve or decline multi-day requests and multiple requests submitted by an agent for the same day. Enhanced filtering options also allow for more efficient sorting and management of requests.

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Release Adjustments

The Release Adjustments section describes the changes, removals, and additions made in the feature descriptions since the initial coming soon announcement for the 24.3 release.

Interaction Analytics

Category Unification and Configuration Updates

It was previously announced that this feature would be removed from the 24.3 release, however, it will be available as originally described.

Features Removed from This Release

This section describes product changes that were included in the initial coming soon announcement and have since been removed from this release. These will not be part of the 24.3 release but may be part of a future release.

New applications

Accent Matching

Accent Matching is a tool that will change an agent's voice, in real time, to a voice with an accent from an English-speaking country. This will make it easier for contacts to understand agents whose native language is not English. It will also reduce frustration and improve customer satisfaction.

Agents will be able to select a voice avatar for each call. Voice avatars will include a male and female option for different English accents. This includes Australian, British, Irish, and US English accents.

You will be able to monitor Accent Matching with: 

  • An Accent Matching dashboard that shows the usage and minutes.

  • Recordings of calls that use Accent Matching. This will allow you to review the accent and assess the impact of the accent on your calls. Call recording for these calls will not be enabled by default.

In this initial controlled release of Accent Matching, you will need to download an audio driver to each agent's computer.

This feature will be available later in the release cycle.


Data Download Reports

Email Option for Timed-Out Reports

Currently, when a data download report is run on demand and exceeds the system-wide threshold for report timeouts, the user receives a 404 error. In this release, a pop-up will ask the user if they would like the report emailed to them when it's ready. This will allow the user to continue working when a data download report doesn't finish before the defined timeout.

Features Added to This Release

This section notes product changes that have been added to this release since the initial coming soon announcement. To see the following features in detail, select the product in the filter on the right.

New Applications
