
在不再需要时停止脚本,例如在处理事件之后。它不会终止联系。联系继续保持在 Stop 操作之前所处的状态。释放 Stop 操作的唯一方法是触发事件,例如 ONSIGNAL ONSIGNAL, ONANSWER, ONHOLD, ONDATA, or ONRELEASE.

Stop 通常用作脚本停止运行逻辑时分支事件的占位符。如果需要终止脚本,请勿使用此操作。

Supported Script Types

The icon for a Generic script type - a rectangle with < and > symbols inside it.

The icon for the Email script type - a large @ symbol in a diamond.

The icon for the Chat script type - a chat bubble with an ellipsis inside (...), in a diamond shape.

The icon for the Phone script type - an old-style phone handset with curved lines indicating sound coming out of it.

The icon for the Voicemail script type - a symbol that looks like a cassette tape - two circles sitting on a horizontal line.

The icon for the Work Item script type-a piece of paper with one corner folded down and a bullet list on it.

The icon for the SMS script type - a smart phone with a chat bubble coming out of it.

The icon for the Digital script type - a computer monitor with a smartphone next to it.


电子邮件 聊天 电话 语音信箱 工作项目 短信 数字

Comparison of Similar Actions


请勿使用 Stop 操作action来终止脚本。它不会终止脚本,而会让联系人继续运行。这会对CXone服务器产生负面影响。



