Manage the Proactive Voice and SMS Curfew

To comply with proactive dialing and SMS messaging laws, you must set the allowed time zones for dialing in your contact center. You can do this at the business unitClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone environment and ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge level. You can customize the default allowable dialing time range for an ACD skill, record, or phone number to ensure your contact center doesn't dial or text outside of legal hours.

Modify Allowed Time Zones for the Business Unit

Required permissionsExternal Business Unit View and Business Unit Time Zones Edit

If you remove a time zone from the business unit that you enabled for a skill, (PC) disables that time zone from the skill. If you turn the time zone back on for the business unit, the time zone is automatically re-enabled on any skills where it was previously removed as a result of removal from the business unit.

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.

  2. Go to ACD Configuration >  Business Units.

  3. Click the business unit you want to modify.

  4. Click Time Zones.

  5. If you want to add time zones to those allowed for dialing and SMS messaging in your business unit, select those time zones in the Add Time Zones table. Click Add Time Zones.

  6. If you want to remove time zones from those allowed for dialing and SMS messaging in your business unit, select those time zones in the Assigned Time Zones table. Click Remove Time Zones. Click Yes in the confirmation window.

Modify Allowed Time Zones for the ACD Skill

Required permissions: Skills Edit

By default, Personal Connection (PC) can dial or send SMS messages to people in time zones configured at the business unitClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone environment level. You can remove time zones allowed for dialing for specific ACD skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge and add newly-enabled time zones for the business unit to ACD skills as needed.

If you remove a time zone from the business unit that you enabled for an ACD skill, PC disables that time zone from the ACD skill. If you turn the time zone back on for the business unit, the time zone is automatically re-enabled on any ACD skills where it was previously removed as a result of removal from the business unit.

  1. If you're adding a new time zone that's not already allowed in your business unitClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone environment, enable the time zone in your business unit using the preceding steps.
  2. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.

  3. Go to Contact SettingsACD Skills.

  4. Click the ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge you want to modify.

  5. Click the Parameters tab.

  6. Click Edit or Configure for Time Zone Bounding.

  7. If you want to add time zones to the ACD skill that you've recently enabled for your business unit, do the following:

    1. Click Add in the Time Zone Bounding table.
    2. In the Time Zone window, select a Time Zone. Note that the drop-down only contains time zones you've enabled for your business unit.

    3. If you want to automatically activate calling in the time zone between certain hours, enter a start time and an end time in the range text fields. If you want to manually activate and deactivate calling and SMS messaging in the time zone, select Manual Override. Time zones marked Inactive don't show up when you view the Skill Control Queued Calls page.

      If you enable Manual Override and forget to deactivate it, you run the risk of calling people outside of legal hours.

  8. If you want to remove time zones from the ACD skill, select the time zones in the Time Zone Bounding table and click Delete.
  9. Click Done.

Create a Custom Time Zone

Required permissionsExternal Business Unit View, Business Unit Time Zones Edit, Skills Edit, and Calling List Create

You can't currently create custom time zones in CXone. However, you can implement a workaround with the same functionality by utilizing the time zones you aren't using.

In the example shown in these steps, Tom Sawyer wants to limit sales calls for fence painting to Dallas, only allowing them between the hours of 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM.

  1. Choose a time zone you don't already use in your call center. Enable the time zone for your business unitClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone environment. To do so:

    1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.

    2. Go to ACD ConfigurationBusiness Units.

    3. Click the business unit you want to modify.

    4. Click the Time Zones tab.

    5. In the Add Time Zones table, select the time zone you want to use as your custom time zone.

    6. Click Add Time Zones.

    In our example, Tom Sawyer chooses to add the E. Europe time zone, which he's not currently using and doesn't need, to the list of allowable time zones for his business unit.

  2. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.

  3. Go to Contact SettingsACD Skills.

  4. Click the ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge you want to use the custom time zone.
  5. Click the Parameters tab.
  6. Click Edit or Configure for Time Zone Bounding.
  7. Click Add in the Time Zone Bounding table.
  8. In the Time Zone window, select the Time Zone you enabled for the business unit.
  9. Calculate the difference in time between the time zone you chose and the one you want to create. Enter the start time and end time in the time span text boxes according to the difference.

    In our continuing example, Tom Sawyer wants to limit calls to Dallas to the hours of 10:00 AM through 2:00 PM. Since E. Europe is 8 hours ahead of Dallas, Tom must enter the span as 6:00 PM through 10:00 PM.

  10. If you haven't already created a calling list, do so now: 

    Calling list files can't exceed 256 MB in size or 500,000 records. Smaller calling lists result in faster upload and fresher records. Each individual record in a calling list cannot exceed a length of 512 Unicode characters. Calling list uploads support Unicode UTF-8 encoding, which includes Chinese characters and all other languages. If you're creating or editing calling lists in Microsoft Excel, take care to preserve the UTF-8 encoding format.

    CXone strips the formatting from phone numbers in calling lists and stores the phone numbers in a universal format. This allows phone numbers to pass between calling lists and do not call (DNC) lists without conflict.

    1. Open a spreadsheet editor or a text editor.
    2. You can use the first row to label your columns. This helps with automatic field mapping when you upload the calling list. If you're using a text editor, decide whether to separate the values with commas or tabs.
    3. Create the columns for your list.

      For a Proactive Voice calling list, you must have a unique identifier column and a phone number column.

      For a Proactive SMS calling list, you must have a unique identifier column and an SMS phone number column.

    4. Enter the data for each record in its own row.

    5. Save the file in one of the approved formats shown in the following images.
  11. Add a time zone column to your calling list. Assign the custom time zone to all records you want to restrict to it.

    Tom modifies his calling list to assign all numbers with a Dallas area code—214 or 972—to the E. Europe time zone.

  12. Save the calling list.
  13. Upload the calling list.

    If you're re-uploading a calling list after making critical updates, stop the associated ACD skill. Restart the ACD skill when you're done uploading calling lists.

    1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.

    2. Go to ListsCalling.

    3. Click Select File.

    4. Read the compliance agreement and click Accept to continue.

    5. Enter a List Name. Select the Upload New radio button if you want to select a new list from your computer, or Select Existing if you want to modify a list you already uploaded.

      If uploading, click Choose File. If modifying, type the File Name or click Browse. Find and select the calling list you want to upload or use. Configure any optional fields as needed.

    6. Click Next.
    7. If you used the first row of your calling list to label the columns, select Use First Row as Column Names next to Header. Review the automatic mapping done by PC, map any unmapped fields, and configure time zone handling and an expiration date.
    8. If it's not already done for you, map your phone numbers and email addresses in Map Destinations. Add and remove destinations as needed.

      If you map a phone field to a specific ACD skill, it appears under the cadence options for that skill. If you don't want to include a specific phone number in the Maximum Attempts or cadence calling order, don't map those phone number to fields. Once you map the field, you can't remove it from the cadence settings.

    9.  When the file uploads, PC displays the progress and the number of records that loaded successfully and unsuccessfully. If the calling list contains invalid records, use the following steps to fix the errors.
      1. Click Download Link in the warning box that appears.

      2. Open the file to view the problems with the upload. In this example, the record in row 6 doesn't have a phone number:

      3. Fix the problem in the calling list and save it.
      4. Upload the updated file.
  14. If you stopped the skill, restart it when you're ready for dialing.

Set the Allowable Time Range for Dialing or SMS Messaging per ACD Skill

Required permissions: Skills Edit

You can set the allowable call or SMS message time for Personal Connection (PC) for the ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. Note that when you configure allowable dialing and messaging time at a more granular level—for a specific record or phone number—those settings override the skill setting. To prevent dialing outside dialing curfew, PC doesn't recognize the allowable time range constraints unless you first apply a time zone.

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.

  2. Go to Contact SettingsACD Skills.

  3. Click the ACD skill.
  4. Click Parameters.
  5. Click Configure or Edit for Cadence Settings.
  6. If you haven't already set up a dialing order for the ACD skill, do the following:

    1. Click Add Cadence.
    2. Select a phone number from the Calling Order drop-down. These correspond with the phone number fields you mapped when you uploaded the calling list for this ACD skill.
    3. Set the value in Attempts to reflect the number of attempts you want the dialer to make on that number before moving on to the next number in the cadence. If you set up preview dialing, PC counts it as an attempt when an agent rejects a record.

    4. If the phone number is meant for Proactive SMS messaging, select the Final Outcome. If you set it to SMS Retry, you can configure more SMS attempts later in the cadence.

    5. Repeat the previous step until you have the attempts configured the way you want them. Set the values in the Order column to reflect the order in which you want the number types attempted. The lower the number, the sooner the dialer attempts the number.

  7. Click the + time constraints link by the first entry.
  8. On the Weekdays number bar, click and drag over the period of time when dialing or SMS messaging is allowed on weekdays. You can create multiple allowed time periods, if you want. Repeat the process for the Weekend number bar.
  9. Click save time constraints.
  10. Create time constraints as needed for other cadence entries.
  11. Click Done.

Set the Allowable Time Range for Dialing or SMS Messaging per Record

Required permissions: Calling List Create

These instructions assume that each record in your calling list has a single phone number or that you want the allowable time range to apply to all phone numbers in a record. Setting the allowable dialing or messaging time range here overwrites any allowable time ranges you set for the ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. Before you start, decide how you want to assign a time zone to each record. You can:

  • Directly assign a time zone by including a time zone column in the calling list.
  • Add a zip code or other location information that will allow the system to determine a time zone.
  • Set a default time zone for records without time zones as you upload the list.
  1. If you haven't already created a calling list, do so now: 

    Calling list files can't exceed 256 MB in size or 500,000 records. Smaller calling lists result in faster upload and fresher records. Each individual record in a calling list cannot exceed a length of 512 Unicode characters. Calling list uploads support Unicode UTF-8 encoding, which includes Chinese characters and all other languages. If you're creating or editing calling lists in Microsoft Excel, take care to preserve the UTF-8 encoding format.

    CXone strips the formatting from phone numbers in calling lists and stores the phone numbers in a universal format. This allows phone numbers to pass between calling lists and do not call (DNC) lists without conflict.

    1. Open a spreadsheet editor or a text editor.
    2. You can use the first row to label your columns. This helps with automatic field mapping when you upload the calling list. If you're using a text editor, decide whether to separate the values with commas or tabs.
    3. Create the columns for your list.

      For a Proactive Voice calling list, you must have a unique identifier column and a phone number column.

      For a Proactive SMS calling list, you must have a unique identifier column and an SMS phone number column.

      For a Proactive Email calling list, you must have at least an external identifier column and an email address column.

    4. Enter the data for each record in its own row.

    5. Save the file in one of the approved formats shown in the following images.
  2. Add a Start Time and an End Time column to your calling list. For each record where you want to restrict dialing time, specify the Start Time and End Time as the number of minutes after midnight when the time range should start and end. For example, if you want calls to the record to begin at 9:00 AM and end at 6:00 PM, the values would be 540 and 1080, respectively.
  3. Upload the calling list.

    If you're re-uploading a calling list after making critical updates, stop the associated ACD skill. Restart the ACD skill when you're done uploading calling lists.

    1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.

    2. Go to ListsCalling.

    3. Click Select File.

    4. Read the compliance agreement and click Accept to continue.

    5. Enter a List Name. Select the Upload New radio button if you want to select a new list from your computer, or Select Existing if you want to modify a list you already uploaded.

      If uploading, click Choose File. If modifying, type the File Name or click Browse. Find and select the calling list you want to upload or use. Configure any optional fields as needed.

    6. Click Next.
    7. If you used the first row of your calling list to label the columns, select Use First Row as Column Names next to Header. Review the automatic mapping done by PC, map any unmapped fields, and configure time zone handling and an expiration date.
    8. If it's not already done for you, map your phone numbers and email addresses in Map Destinations. Add and remove destinations as needed.

      If you map a phone field to a specific ACD skill, it appears under the cadence options for that skill. If you don't want to include a specific phone number in the Maximum Attempts or cadence calling order, don't map those phone number to fields. Once you map the field, you can't remove it from the cadence settings.

    9.  When the file uploads, PC displays the progress and the number of records that loaded successfully and unsuccessfully. If the calling list contains invalid records, use the following steps to fix the errors.
      1. Click Download Link in the warning box that appears.

      2. Open the file to view the problems with the upload. In this example, the record in row 6 doesn't have a phone number:

      3. Fix the problem in the calling list and save it.
      4. Upload the updated file.
  4. If you stopped the skill, restart it when you're ready for dialing.

Set the Allowable Time Range for Dialing and SMS Messaging per Phone Number

Required permissions: Calling List Create

The following instructions assume your calling list contains multiple phone numbers for a single record and that you want an individual allowable calling time range for each phone number. Setting the allowable dialing or messaging time range here overwrites any allowable time ranges you configured for the record or the skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge.

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.

  2. Go to ListsCustom Data Definitions.

  3. Create a new phone number type with associated start and end time fields:
    1. Click Create New to create a new start time field.

    2. Set the Type to Integer. Give it a descriptive Field Name that indicates it's a start time field and contains the associated phone type. For example, for a new cell phone field you might call it CellStartTime. You can optionally select Value Required if you want to require that all records contain a value for this field. Personal Connection (PC) ignores default values for start and end time fields.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Click Create New to create a new end time field.
    5. Configure the end time field with all the same settings as the start time field, but with a Field Name that indicates it's for end time.
    6. Click Add.
    7. Click Create New to create a new phone field.

    8. Set the Type to Phone if you want PC to use the number for phone calls or SMSPhone if you want PC to use the number for text messaging. Enter a Field Name.
    9. In the Start Time drop-down, select the start time field you created for this phone field. In the End Time drop-down, select the end time field you created for this phone field.
    10. Click Add.
  4. If you want to include other phone numbers for each record, repeat the preceding step to create phone fields with associated start and end time fields for each phone type.
  5. If you want to set default start and end times for phone numbers that don't have values for the start and end time fields in the calling list, do the following:

    1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.

    2. Go to Contact SettingsACD Skills.

    3. Click the skill to open it.
    4. Click the Parameters tab.
    5. Click Configure or Edit for Cadence Settings.
    6. If you haven't already set up a dialing order for the skill, do the following:

      1. Click Add Cadence.
      2. Select a phone number from the Calling Order drop-down. These correspond with the phone number fields you mapped when you uploaded the calling list for this ACD skill.
      3. Set the value in Attempts to reflect the number of attempts you want the dialer to make on that number before moving on to the next number in the cadence. If you set up preview dialing, PC counts it as an attempt when an agent rejects a record.

      4. If the phone number is meant for Proactive SMS messaging, select the Final Outcome. If you set it to SMS Retry, you can configure more SMS attempts later in the cadence.

      5. Repeat the previous step until you have the attempts configured the way you want them. Set the values in the Order column to reflect the order in which you want the number types attempted. The lower the number, the sooner the dialer attempts the number.

    7. Click the + time constraints link by the first entry.
    8. On the Weekdays number bar, click and drag over the period of time when dialing or SMS messaging is allowed on weekdays. You can create multiple allowed time periods, if you want. Repeat the process for the Weekend number bar.
    9. Click save time constraints.
    10. Create time constraints as needed for other cadence entries.
    11. Click Done.
  6. Click Add.
  7. If you haven't already created a calling list, do so now: 

    Calling list files can't exceed 256 MB in size or 500,000 records. Smaller calling lists result in faster upload and fresher records. Each individual record in a calling list cannot exceed a length of 512 Unicode characters. Calling list uploads support Unicode UTF-8 encoding, which includes Chinese characters and all other languages. If you're creating or editing calling lists in Microsoft Excel, take care to preserve the UTF-8 encoding format.

    CXone strips the formatting from phone numbers in calling lists and stores the phone numbers in a universal format. This allows phone numbers to pass between calling lists and do not call (DNC) lists without conflict.

    1. Open a spreadsheet editor or a text editor.
    2. You can use the first row to label your columns. This helps with automatic field mapping when you upload the calling list. If you're using a text editor, decide whether to separate the values with commas or tabs.
    3. Create the columns for your list.

      For a Proactive Voice calling list, you must have a unique identifier column and a phone number column.

      For a Proactive SMS calling list, you must have a unique identifier column and an SMS phone number column.

      For a Proactive Email calling list, you must have at least an external identifier column and an email address column.

    4. Enter the data for each record in its own row.

    5. Save the file in one of the approved formats shown in the following images.

  8. Add columns to your calling list for each phone type, and for the start and end times for each phone type. For each phone number where you want to restrict dialing time, specify the Start Time and End Time for that phone type as the number of minutes after midnight when the time range should start and end. For example, if you want calls to the phone number to begin at 9:00 AM and end at 6:00 PM, the values would be 540 and 1080, respectively.

  9. Upload the calling list.

    If you're re-uploading a calling list after making critical updates, stop the associated ACD skill. Restart the ACD skill when you're done uploading calling lists.

    1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.

    2. Go to ListsCalling.

    3. Click Select File.

    4. Read the compliance agreement and click Accept to continue.

    5. Enter a List Name. Select the Upload New radio button if you want to select a new list from your computer, or Select Existing if you want to modify a list you already uploaded.

      If uploading, click Choose File. If modifying, type the File Name or click Browse. Find and select the calling list you want to upload or use. Configure any optional fields as needed.

    6. Click Next.
    7. If you used the first row of your calling list to label the columns, select Use First Row as Column Names next to Header. Review the automatic mapping done by PC, map any unmapped fields, and configure time zone handling and an expiration date.
    8. If it's not already done for you, map your phone numbers and email addresses in Map Destinations. Add and remove destinations as needed.

      If you map a phone field to a specific ACD skill, it appears under the cadence options for that skill. If you don't want to include a specific phone number in the Maximum Attempts or cadence calling order, don't map those phone number to fields. Once you map the field, you can't remove it from the cadence settings.

    9.  When the file uploads, PC displays the progress and the number of records that loaded successfully and unsuccessfully. If the calling list contains invalid records, use the following steps to fix the errors.
      1. Click Download Link in the warning box that appears.

      2. Open the file to view the problems with the upload. In this example, the record in row 6 doesn't have a phone number:

      3. Fix the problem in the calling list and save it.
      4. Upload the updated file.
  10. If you stopped the skill, restart it when you're ready for dialing.