Create Routing Categories

You can create your own categories with your own specified rules. Even if your organization uses other languages with Interaction Analytics, you can only configure routing categories in English.

Create Custom Categories

Custom categories enable you to update how your text-based customer conversations are routed.

  1. Select Language Model in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click Routing Categories.
  3. Click more options next to Categories and select New Category.
  4. Enter a name for the category.
  5. In the TimingDouble arrow pointing right, indicates period during interaction field, specify the time period in which the keywords, phrases, or entities have to occur in the category rule.

  6. In the Participant field, specify whether you want the rule to apply to the Agent side of the interaction, the Client (contact关闭 与联络中心的坐席、IVR 或机器人交互的人员。) side of the interaction, or to Either (both) the agent or client side of the interaction.
  7. Select the conditions you would like the criteria to meet for each field. You can include or exclude interactions that meet some or all of the criteria you enter. All keywords and phrases entered in the same field have an AND relationship, and the fields have an AND relationship between them. This means that all the specified conditions of a single rule set must exist for an interaction to fall into the category, except those in the At least one of these field.

  8. To include or exclude interactions by Phrase, Keyword, or Sentiment , click the corresponding tag or begin typing a keyword, phrase, or entity关闭 在位于Interaction Analytics中的您的公司配置文件中定义的关键字或短语。 与实体类型相关。 可包括变体。.

  9. To include or exclude interactions by metrics like team name or ACD skill name, click the Metric tag and select the metric type from the list.

    If you want to filter for a range of values, you can add multiple of the same kind of metric filters with different operators and values. For example, if you want to include interactions that are between two and four minutes, you would select the interactionDurationSeconds metric. Configure it to > 120. Next, add a second interactionDurationSeconds metric and configure it for < 240. Then, change the condition to All of these for the category rule.

  10. To include or exclude interactions by Frustration or Resolution, select the corresponding tag.

  11. To add a new rule set, click Add Criteria. Rule sets have an OR relationship with each other, so interactions that satisfy any one of the rule sets configured in the category rule fall into the category. You can group rules and rule sets together to create more complex rules.
  12. When you are finished adding criteria, click Save.