Agent Assist Hub

Agent Assist Hub allows you to manage all of the agent assist applications that you use with CXone. You can integrate agent assist apps with CXone using Studio scripts.

Agent assist applications are like personal assistants for your agents. They offer helpful information during interactions. The type of information varies depending on the application you use. For example, some agent assistants offer resources such as FAQs or knowledge base articles that address the contact's concern.

Agent assist applications use technologies such as speech-to-textClosed Also called STT, this process converts spoken language to text. (STT, also called transcription), natural language processingClosed Also called NLP, this process understands human speech or text and responds with human-like language. (NLP), and artificial intelligence (AI). They process and analyze interactions between agents and contacts. Based on how they're configured, the applications determine what information to display to the agent. The information that the agent sees appears in a separate panel in the agent application

Classics, Inc. has decided to use agent assist bots in its call center to provide its agents additional guidance during interactions. After researching their options, they decide to use Google Contact Center AI (CCAI). They want an agent assist application that can provide relevant knowledge base articles to agents during interactions. Their goal is to save time and ease the burden on the agents, who currently have to search for and locate the correct articles while the contacts wait.

Anne Shirley, the Classics, Inc. contact center administrator, sets up and configures a Google Contact Center AI account with Google. She works with Jo March, the Studio scripting expert at Classics, to add and configure their CCAI account to Agent Assist Hub. They decide to have CCAI listen to both sides of all voice and chat conversations. Jo then modifies the contact center's voice and chat scripts to include the CCAI agent assist app.

When the integration of CCAI is finished, it observes interactions on voice and CXone chat channelsClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on.. It processes the agent and contact sides of the conversation using the Google Contact Center AI engine to determine the contact's intentClosed The meaning or purpose behind what a contact says/types; what the contact wants to communicate or accomplish. When the intent is determined, the CCAI agent assistant displays knowledge base articles that may be relevant to the contact's needs. Agents see the list of articles in a convenient panel in the agent application and can use the information to help address the contacts' concerns.

Supported Agent Assist Application

Currently, Google Contact Center AI is the only supported agent assist application. CCAI provides information to the agent that's relevant to the contact's concern, such as FAQs and knowledge base articles. It works with voice and CXone chat interactions.

Integration of Agent Assist Applications

When you want to use an agent assist application in CXone, you need to add and configure the application in Agent Assist Hub. Most agent assist applications require additional configuration outside of CXone Studio. The online help for each supported agent assist application provides information about the configuration requirements.

Integrating agent assist applications requires custom scripting. Your organization's CXone administrator, agent application administrator, and Studio scripter may need to coordinate to complete the integration.

Agent Experience with Agent Assist Applications

Agent assist applications provide assistance to agents. The information they provide appears on a panel in the agent application by default. The agent can see the information and act accordingly. The following example shows the agent assist panel in MAX.

When you configure an agent assist app in Agent, you can choose to have the information from the agent assist provider sent to different locations. There are three possible ways to have information displayed. Not all agent assist applications support all possible methods. The options are:

  • CXone Agent Assist Panel : The agent assist panel appears in the agent application. The information it displays depends on the agent assist applications you use with CXone.
  • No Assist Panel shown to Agent: the agent application doesn't display an agent assist panel. Instead, you can have information from the agent assist application sent to another location. For example, you might have it displayed in a third-party CRM application. If you choose this option, you are responsible for setting up the alternate method of displaying information. This might include modifying Studio scripts and configuring the agent assist provider itself.
  • Use custom URL for Agent Assist Panel: The agent assist panel in the agent application displays content from the URL you provide. If you choose this option, you are responsible for configuring the system to display information at this URL. This might include modifying Studio scripts and configuring the agent assist provider itself.

Currently, MAX is the only supported agent application.