Troubleshoot Studio

View Warnings and Errors

All warnings and errors appear on the Script Errors tab in Studio.

  1. In Studio, click the Script Errors tab. The tab shows the warnings and error for the script that's currently showing.

  2. Click the Errors or Warnings buttons at the top of the tab to filter the contents of the tab so it shows only errors or warnings.
  3. Double-click an item in the list on the tab to highlight the action on the script canvas workspace where the error or warning occurs.

Problems using Studio

Problems Installing Studio

If you experience problems installing Studio, you may need to install a newer version of the .NET framework. This is available on the Support and Downloads page, which you can access from the CXone platform.

Problems with CXone

If you're experiencing server-related issues, such as remote latency or telephony problems, locate the value of the __mediaServerName variable in the trace output of scripts that are running. This value can help CXone Technical Support identify the source of the issues.

Problems with Scripts