Agent Connectivity Data Flows

There are several methods for agents to interact with CXone. The most common way is with MAX agent and a hard phone or a softphoneClosed A software program for making telephone calls over the Internet using a computer instead of a telephone.. Other agent applications include:

  • Custom integrations.

  • Salesforce.

  • Oracle.

  • Thin Agent.

  • A variety of other interfaces.

All these methods leverage a hard phone or softphone, so we only show that detail once.

MAX Agent with Hard Phone or Softphone

The diagram shows how the agent connects through MAX with IP voice through a hard phone or softphoneClosed A software program for making telephone calls over the Internet using a computer instead of a telephone.. MAX integrates with the application infrastructure. The hard phone or softphone primarily integrates with the voice infrastructure. Exceptions include:

  • Some application communication.

  • The softphone's dependence on an external service.

A diagram that shows how agents interact with the CXone Cloud and MAX

Salesforce and Oracle Agent

The Salesforce and Oracle Agent applications are like external services. They depend on external service resources. They communicate directly with the application infrastructure as a part of the CXone suite. The back-ends may also communicate with the authorization server to provide authentication. They may also interact with other endpoints.

These diagrams would also include a softphone or hard phone from the diagram above. They're removed here for simplicity.

A diagram that shows how agents interact with the CXone Cloud and with Salesforce and Oracle.

Thin Agent

The thin agent applications integrate in a similar way to MAX. But, they use different endpoints and client-side technologies.

These diagrams would also include a softphone or hard phone from the diagram above. They're removed here for simplicity.