
包含解釋性或關鍵註釋,以幫助檢視指令碼的人員。Note 動作:

  • 不需要。
  • 無須連接到任何其他動作。
  • 可以位於設計畫布上的任何地方。

建議的最佳做法是使用備註,因為一個指令碼被記錄得越清晰,其他開發人員和支援人員就越容易使用它。您還可以使用 Annotation 為使用者新增資訊。

Supported Script Types

The icon for a Generic script type - a rectangle with < and > symbols inside it.

The icon for the Email script type - a large @ symbol in a diamond.

The icon for the Chat script type - a chat bubble with an ellipsis inside (...), in a diamond shape.

The icon for the Phone script type - an old-style phone handset with curved lines indicating sound coming out of it.

The icon for the Voicemail script type - a symbol that looks like a cassette tape - two circles sitting on a horizontal line.

The icon for the Work Item script type-a piece of paper with one corner folded down and a bullet list on it.

The icon for the SMS script type - a smart phone with a chat bubble coming out of it.

The icon for the Digital script type - a computer monitor with a smartphone next to it.


電郵 聊天 電話 語音郵件 工作項目 SMS 數位

Input Properties





輸入在指令碼中唯一標識此操作的短語。標題出現在指令碼畫布上的動作圖示下。The default is the action name.



Result Branch Conditions


Script Example

The Note action doesn't need to be connected to the other actions in the script.

An example script that includes NOTE.