Workflow Data

Sometimes organizations need to create IVR or workflow scripts that include a list of predefined data. However, it's common for one group to own the data and a different group to own the creation of the scripts. For example:

  • One company has a script that automatically calls a list of administrators in emergencies. That list changes as people come and go.
  • Another company maintains a growing list of caller IDs associated with spammers or other unwanted contacts, and a script that handles these calls in a special way.
  • A third company has many scripts that use the same set of data as variables, such as a set of email addresses.

In each of these cases, if the data were hard-coded in the scripts, you'd have to call the scripting expert in to update it every time the data needs to change. Workflow data is designed to simplify that situation, giving you the ability to update the data yourself. To learn more, view a 9-minute training video, review the following detailed example, or both.

  • Classics, Inc., has a Munchkins contact center in Oz. The Classics management team has asked for a script to automate certain actions if an emergency occurs at this center. The script should handle two types of emergencies: evacuations and weather closures.
  • Wizard, the IVRClosed and script designer for Classics, and Scarecrow, the manager of the Munchkins contact center, meet and determine exactly what the script needs to do.
  • In case of an evacuation, the script should:
    • Trigger an alarm message and send it to all active phones.
    • Route all inbound calls to another center to be designated by the supervisor on duty.
    • Call and notify a designated list of local and corporate managers of the evacuation via a recorded message.
  • In case of a weather closure, the script should:
    • Route all inbound calls to another center to be designated by the supervisor on duty.
    • Call and notify a designated list of local managers of the closure via a recorded message.
  • In the ACD application, Wizard creates two workflow data profiles: OzEvac for evacuations and OzEmg for weather closures. Each profile includes several data collections, including backup contact centers, local managers, and national managers. Wizard creates the collections because he will write the scripts and therefore has a better understanding of how the data will be used. Either Wizard or Scarecrow could add the actual data to the collections.
  • Wizard then creates scripts in Studio that use these workflow data profiles to accomplish the outlined tasks.
  • When there is a situation that should cause the script to be triggered, Scarecrow or another manager or supervisor can access the correct workflow data profile, select the type of emergency, and select the backup contact center. The script then follows the programmed workflow using the data in the profile.

Key Facts About Workflow Data

  • Workflow data profiles allow you to store data used in scripts in the cloud with the rest of your CXone contact center data, offering increased security and assurance that the script can access the data even if connectivity is down.
  • It is very important for the script designer and the business user to work together in determining what the script should do and what level of control the business user needs over the data. For example, if Scarecrow wanted to add newly-hired managers to the phone lists, Wizard would need to account for that when designing the script.
  • Workflow data profiles are usually created and maintained in the ACD application by CXone script designers. A single profile can be used in one or more Studio scripts by referencing it in the WorkflowData action.
  • A single profile can contain one or more data collections. Collections are sets of key/value pairs that are used in some way by the Studio script.
  • Some data collections are multi-select, meaning that an administrator can select one or more values in the collection for Studio to use. In the preceding example, the emergency type, the managers' phone numbers, and the backup contact centers are multi-select data collections.
  • Other data collections are simple Boolean (yes/no), formatted (dates, phone numbers), or array data. In our example, a Boolean data collection named RaiseAlarm can be set to 1 by a manager, triggering the rest of the script actions.
  • Workflow data profiles and collections can also be modified using an API. This can be useful for larger collections, or if collections should be automatically updated when information changes in another application. In our example, the API could be used to automatically update a phone number in the managers list if that field changes in an HR application.
  • Workflow data profiles are active as soon as they are created. They remain active until deactivated. You cannot deactivate a workflow data profile if it is used in a script.
  • You cannot change the name of a profile after creating it. The name must conform to the Studio rules for variable names. If you use a non-conforming name, CXone will alert you and provide guidance.
  • The following limitations apply:
    • Each business unit can create a maximum of 100 workflow data profiles.
    • The maximum dataset size per profile is 4000 bytes, including metadata required for storing the profile and the data itself.
    • A maximum of 100 updates/insertions by API can be made within a 24-hour period (measured from time of initial update/insertion).
    • The maximum number of key/value collections per profile is 50.