
OnCheckin is a Proactive XS event that executes only when a Personal Connection (PC) Dialer record on a calling list is finalized and is being "checked back in" to the customer relationship management (CRM)/ database where it came from.

This event is only reached by having linked the appropriate XS Checkin script with this action included in the XS Settings parameters in the settings of a PC ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. Because this is an event, subsequent Studio actions are required to execute any meaningful functionality, such as posting specific call data.

Supported Script Types

The icon for a Generic script type - a rectangle with < and > symbols inside it.


This action functions in data scripts only. It can, however, be used with Proactive XS contact types (phone, email, SMS), but does not function in those script types.

Result Branch Conditions

Result branch conditions allow you to create branches in your script to handle different outcomes when an action executes.




Path taken unless the script meets a condition that requires it to take one of the other branches. It is also taken if the action's other branches are not defined.