
Quickly extracts portions of a string based on a separator character known as the delimiter. For example, an email address always has two parts: an account name and a host name separated by an @. With the delimiter set to @, the account name is the first field and the host name is the second field in the address.

Supported Script Types

The icon for a Generic script type - a rectangle with < and > symbols inside it.

The icon for the Email script type - a large @ symbol in a diamond.

The icon for the Chat script type - a chat bubble with an ellipsis inside (...), in a diamond shape.

The icon for the Phone script type - an old-style phone handset with curved lines indicating sound coming out of it.

The icon for the Voicemail script type - a symbol that looks like a cassette tape - two circles sitting on a horizontal line.

The icon for the Work Item script type-a piece of paper with one corner folded down and a bullet list on it.

The icon for the SMS script type - a smart phone with a chat bubble coming out of it.


Email Chat Phone Voicemail Work Item SMS

Input Properties

These properties define data that the action uses when executing.



String The string you want to insert, search, or parse. This property supports variable substitution. If this value is a variable, rather than the literal string value, use curly brackets {}.
Delimiter Determines the character used to separate individual fields. The default is the pipe (|) character.
FieldIndex The number indicating which property to extract, starting with 1. This property is looking for a number, therefore, you do not need to use curly brackets {}.
StoreFieldIn Name of a variable to receive the extracted property.
StoreCountIn This property is the number of items in an array. This number will always at least be 1.

Result Branch Conditions




Path taken unless the script meets a condition that requires it to take one of the other branches. It is also taken if the action's other branches are not defined.

Tips & Tricks

With CXone, a delimited set of data can be treated as a list or as an array. CXone treats the pipe symbol (|) as a standard delimiter for lists and arrays. The following example will extract the word “three” from a pipe delimited list of words and save it as the variable named F1:

  • String: one|two|three|four|five
  • Delimiter: |
  • Field Index: 3
  • Store Field In: F1
  • Store Count In: FC