Data Download Metrics
Abandon |
Whether or not the contact abandoned the call before its completion. Y means the contact abandoned the call and N means the contact did not abandon the call. |
Abandon_Cnt |
The total number of contacts who abandoned the connection to the |
AbandonRate |
The percent of contacts who entered the skill |
Abandon_Time |
The amount of time the contact spent in the system before abandoning the call. |
ACD_Outbound_Avail_Percent |
The percent of total time logged that the |
ACD_Time |
The total amount of time in |
Active_Talk_Time |
ACW_Seconds |
The amount of time in seconds the agent spent doing after contact work (ACW |
ACW_Time |
The amount of time the agent spent doing after contact work (ACW |
AddDate |
The date and time. |
Agent_Cnt |
The total number of contacts who entered the skill |
AgentDisposition |
The unique ID associated with the disposition |
AgentDispositionDescription |
The name of the disposition |
AgentID |
The unique ID of the agent. |
AgentName |
The first and last name of the agent. |
Agent_Name |
The first and last name of the agent as displayed in the agent's CXone user profile. |
Agent_No |
The unique, system-generated ID of the agent. |
Agent_Session_ID |
The unique, system-generated ID of the agent login session. |
Agent_State |
The name of the state the agent was in. |
Agent_State_Code |
The code corresponding to the state The Agent States report provides details for individual codes. |
Agent_Time |
The amount of time in seconds the contact spent conversing with an agent. |
Agent_Working_Time |
The amount of time in seconds the contact spent conversing with an agent. |
The name of the contact, or the phone number associated with the contact. |
ANI_Dialnum |
The name of the contact, or the phone number associated with the contact. |
At_Home_Worker |
Whether or not the agent works from home as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. The value is either TRUE, meaning the agent works from home, or FALSE, meaning the agent does not work from home. |
Attempts |
The number of times the dialer has attempted to reach the contact. |
Available |
Whether the agent is currently available. The value is one of 0 (not available) or 1 (available). |
Available_Time |
The total amount of time the |
Ave_ACD |
The average amount of time in |
Ave-Outbound |
The average amount of time in |
AvgMinutes |
The average amount of time in minutes contacts spent in the skill |
Avg_Talk_Time |
The average time in seconds per interaction where someone was speaking. |
BillingMonth |
The first day of the billing month. |
BlockedDate |
The date and time on which the call was blocked. It follows the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM, 24-hour time. |
Bullseye_Range_High |
The highest possible proficiency |
Bullseye_Range_Low |
The lowest possible proficiency level an agent can have in the ACD skill to receive the contact. |
BusinessUnitID |
The ID of the |
Bus_No |
The ID of the business unit. |
CallbackAgentName |
The name of the agent who scheduled a callback |
CallbackAgentNo |
The unique, system-generated ID of the agent who scheduled a callback |
CallbackDateTime |
The date and time for which the agent scheduled a callback |
CallbackNumber |
The phone number at which the contact requested the agent call back. |
Callback_Time |
The amount of time in seconds the contact spent in the callback |
CallDuration |
The amount of time in seconds that the call to the contact lasted. |
Calledback |
The date and time on which the callback |
Caller_ID |
The phone number a contact sees when an agent calls from that station. |
CallerIDUsed |
The phone number the contact will see associated with your contact center on the caller ID. |
CallRequestDateTime |
If the contact requested a callback |
Campaign_Name |
The name of the campaign |
Campaign_No |
The unique, system-generated ID of the campaign |
ChangeDate |
The date and time the |
Chat_Timeout |
The amount of time in seconds an agent can be idle in an active chat before it is automatically disconnected, as specified in the agent's user profile. |
ClientType |
The client that the agent is using. Examples include MAX, Salesforce Agent, and Studio. |
ColumnName |
The campaign, skill, team, agent, or other field that was changed. |
Comments_Required |
Indicates whether or not an agent is required to write notes when setting the disposition |
ComplianceRecord |
A boolean value indicating whether the record requires compliance (TRUE) or does not require compliance (FALSE). |
Conference_Time |
ConfirmationRecord |
A boolean value indicating whether the record requires the agent to accept or reject the call (TRUE) or does not require agent acceptance to dial (FALSE). |
Contact_Code |
The point of contact value or description, such as the phone number or email address the contact used to connect with an agent. |
ContactDeliveryType |
The delivery mode of the contact, if the contact requires compliance. If ComplianceRecord is TRUE, it is one of the following:
Contact_Duration |
The average time in seconds that contacts spent in the CXone system. |
ContactEndReason |
Contact_ID |
The unique, system-generated ID of the contact. |
Contact_Name |
The unique name of the contact. |
CreatedDate |
The date the skill was created. |
Custom |
The custom fields assigned to the agent as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. |
Data_Name |
The name of the variable the script published. |
Data_Value |
The value associated with the variable the script published for the contact. This field is limited to 400 characters. |
Date |
The date within the specified time period on which the events in the row occurred. It has a format of MM/DD/YYYY. |
DateOfCall |
The date and time the contact was last called. It follows the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM, 24-hour time. |
DateOfLastCall |
The date and time the dialer last reached the contact. It follows the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM, 24-hour time. |
DateUpdatedToDigital |
The date during the specified billing month when the agent was updated with a digital skill. |
DateUpdatedToVoice |
The date the agent was given a voice skill |
Default_Skill_No |
The unique, system-generated ID of the skill |
DeliveredAgentSpecific |
A boolean value indicating whether the contact was, or will be, delivered as an agent-specific callback |
DeliveredAsCallback |
A boolean value indicating whether the contact was, or will be, delivered as a callback |
DeliveredComplianceRecord |
A boolean value indicating whether the record was delivered to an agent as a compliance record (TRUE) or was delivered as a non-compliance record (FALSE). |
DeliveredConfirmationRequired |
A boolean value indicating whether the record was delivered to an agent requiring an acceptance (TRUE) or was delivered without confirmation required (FALSE). |
DeliveredPriority |
A boolean value indicating whether the contact was, or will be, delivered as a priority |
Description |
The label associated with the |
Direction | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DisconnectTime |
The number of minutes an agent signed into the station can be idle before being automatically disconnected. |
Disp_Comments |
Comments the agent entered about the contact as part of setting the disposition |
Display_Order |
The order in which the disposition |
Disposition_Code |
The unique ID associated with the disposition |
Disposition_Name |
The name of the disposition |
The point of contact the contact used to enter the system. This can be a phone number, email address, or chat code. |
Duration |
The total number of seconds the agent spent in the state |
Duration in Seconds |
The total number of seconds the agent spent in the state |
The email address of the agent. |
Employment_Type |
The agent's employment type as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. The value is one of Full-Time, Part-Time, Temporary, Outsourced, or Other. |
End_Date |
The time the agent left the state referenced by the state index. It has a format of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. |
End_Time | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Event_Date |
The date on which the event occurred. |
Event_Type |
Lists the monitoring event type. The most common types are Monitor, Coach, Takeover, and Barge. |
ExternalID |
The unique ID assigned to the contact record in the calling list. |
FinalizationStatus |
The current status of the record. It can indicate that the contact is finalized or still active. |
First_Name |
The first name of the agent. For commitments, the text entered in the First Name field by the agent. |
FromAddress |
The phone number the contact dialed from when the call was blocked. |
FullName |
The first and last name of the agent who refused the contact. |
Halfhour_Code |
The code corresponding to the half hour of the day that the activity occurred. Each half hour is numbered 1-48 starting with 1 at 12:00 AM–12:30 AM and ending with 48 at 11:30 PM–12:00 AM. |
HasTakenVoice |
Indicates whether the agent is currently assigned a voice skill |
Held_Party_Abandon |
The total number of contacts the |
Hire_Date |
The agent's hire date as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. |
Hiring_Source |
The hiring source of the agent as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. |
Hold_Time |
The amount of time in seconds the contact spent on hold. |
Hour |
The number of the hour in the day that the events in the row occurred, numbered 1–24. It starts with 12:00 AM–1:00 AM as hour 1 and ends with 11:00 PM–12:00 AM as hour 24. |
Hourly_Cost |
The agent's hourly salary as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. |
ID |
The agent ID for the agent who original created the field. |
Inbound_Contacts |
The total number of inbound contacts the |
Inbound_Contact_Time |
The total number of time the agent spent handling inbound contacts during the indicated time period. |
InboundPending |
Incontact_Percent |
The percent of total time the |
Initiating_Agent |
The supervisor who initiated the event. |
Initiating_Agent_No |
The ID number of the supervisor who initiated the event. |
Inqueue |
The amount of time in seconds the contact spent in the queue. |
In_SLA |
The total number of contacts who entered the skill |
LastCallDuration |
The amount of time in seconds the last call the dialer placed to the contact lasted. |
Last_Login |
The date and time the agent last logged in to the system. It follows the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM, military time. |
LastLoginDate |
The date and time an agent last logged in to the station. It follows the format MM/DD/YYY HH:MM, 24-hour time. |
Last_Name |
The last name of the agent. For commitments, the text entered in the Last Name field by the agent. |
Location |
The location of the agent as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. |
Logged |
Whether or not the call was logged. It is one of the following values:
Login_Date |
The date and time the agent logged in to the session. The date follows the format of MM/DD/YYYY, and the time follows the format of HH:MM, 12-hour time. The time stamp is in your time zone. |
LoginStation_DateTime |
The date and time that an agent last logged into the specified station. |
Logoff_Date |
The date and time the agent logged out of the session. The date follows the format of MM/DD/YYYY, and the time follows the format of HH:MM, 24-hour time. The time stamp is in your time zone. |
Log_State |
Identifier for the state of the log. It is one of 0 (first entry in the log), 1 (any intermediate entries), 2 (last entry for the log). |
LongWait |
The number of seconds of the greatest amount of time a single contact spent in queue during the indicated hour for the indicated skill |
Master_Contact_ID |
The unique, system-generated ID of the master or parent of the contact interaction. The master contact ID There is a parent child relationship on all contacts that are created from the original contact. The masterId of the contact is the parent that created it, meaning for subsequent transfers from the original contact, the masterId will be the transferred contact that created it. |
Media_Name |
The media type or channel |
Media_Sub_Type |
Media_Type |
The type of media used. The options include the following: |
Middle_Name |
The middle name of the agent. |
Mod_Agent_No |
The agent ID for the agent who made the modification. |
Mod_DateTime |
The date and time the profile was last modified. It follows the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM, military time. |
ModName |
The name of the agent who made the modification. |
NewValue |
The value of the field after the modification. |
NotificationEvent |
Database events for skill controls.
NTLoginName |
The NT login name of the agent as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. |
Number_To_Dial |
The number the contact request the agent use for the callback |
OldValue |
The value of the field before the modification. |
Original Agent |
The name of the agent that initially interacted with the contact. |
Original Agent ID |
The agent ID for the agent who original created the field. |
Original Skill |
The skill |
OriginalTargetAgentID |
The ID of the agent an interaction was originally delivered to. |
Outbound_Contacts |
The total number of outbound contacts the |
OutboundDetailRecordId |
The unique external ID assigned to the record in the calling list. |
OutboundPending |
Outbound_Skill |
An integer indicated whether the skill |
Outbound_Time |
The total amount of time in |
Out_SLA |
The total number of contacts who entered the skill |
Outstate |
The agent's reason for being unavailable. |
Outstate_Code |
The unique, system-generated ID of the unavailable code associated with an agent's reason for being unavailable. |
Params |
The parameters associated with the notification event (if applicable) such as Agent ID or channel type. |
PhoneNumber |
The mail phone number of the contact as specified in the calling list. |
Phone_Timeout |
The amount of time in seconds an agent can be idle in an active call before it is automatically disconnected, as specified in the agent's user profile. |
Point_Of_Contact_Code |
The unique, system-generated ID of the point of contact. |
Point_Of_Contact_Name |
The point of contact value or description, such as the phone number or email address. |
Postqueue |
The amount of time in seconds the contact spent on the line after the agent hung up. |
Prequeue |
The amount of time in seconds the contact spent in the prequeue state. |
Preview_Time |
Priority |
A boolean value indicating whether the contact is a priority |
Proficiency |
An integer that indicates the level of proficiency the agent has in the skill |
ProspectiveContactCustomInfo |
A comma-delimited list of all values of the custom fields mapped from the calling list. |
ProspectiveContactDestinationDesc |
The medium with which the dialer will attempt to contact the contact. |
ProspectiveContactDestinationTypeID |
A code associated with the media type the dialer must use to attempt the contact. The numbers indicate the following:
ProspectiveContactDestinationValue |
The phone number at which the dialer will attempt to call the contact. |
ProspectiveContactID |
The unique ID of the contact record the system assigns on calling list upload for internal use. |
ProspectiveContactSourceID |
The unique, system-generated ID of the calling list from which the record came into the system. |
Queued |
The average time in seconds that contacts routed through this skill spent in queue. |
Reason |
A brief description of the circumstances behind the agent's refusal of the contact. It could be that the notification timed out before the agent could accept the contact, an error occurred, or the agent chose to refuse the contact. |
Referral |
The name of the person who referred the agent as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. |
Refused |
Refused_Contacts |
The total number of preview contacts the |
Refused_Time |
The date and time when the agent refused the contact. It follows the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM, 24-hour time. |
Rehire_Status |
The agent's rehire status as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. The value is either Eligible or Not Eligible. |
Reports_To |
The direct manager or supervisor of the agent. |
Routing_Attribute_Name |
The name of the routing attribute an agent must have to receive the contact. |
Routing_Time |
The amount of time in seconds it took to route the contact to an agent. This count is included in the Inqueue time. |
Scheduled_DoW |
The days of the week the contact said would be ideal for the callback
Scheduled_End |
The date and time on which the system will stop attempting the callback |
Scheduled_Start |
The date and time on which the system will begin to attempt the callback |
Script_Date |
The date and time the script assigned to the |
Script_ID |
The unique, system-generated ID associated with the script assigned to the |
Script_Name |
The path and name of the script assigned to the |
Sequence_No |
The unique, system-generated ID of the agent login session. |
Service_Level |
The percent of contacts who entered the skill |
Session_Duration |
The duration of the login session in seconds. For example, a duration of 3600 means the agent was logged in for one hour. The system determines the session duration by adding the agent's total time spent on inbound and outbound contacts, in an unavailable state |
Skill |
The name of the skill |
Skill_Name |
The name of the skill |
Skill_No |
The unique, system-generated ID of the skill |
A code indicating whether the contact was handled within the required SLA. It is one of the following codes:
SLA_Percent |
The target percentage of contacts who should be delivered to an agent within the SLA_Seconds limit. |
SLA_Seconds |
The maximum number of seconds a contact should wait in the queue before being delivered to an agent with this skill |
SMSBody |
The content of a single message sent via SMS. |
SMSFrom |
Identifies the agent or customer submitting the SMS message. |
SMSStartTime |
The date and time the SMS message was sent. |
SourceActive |
A boolean value indicating whether the calling list from which the contact record originated is currently active (TRUE) or inactive (FALSE). |
SourceName |
The name of the calling list from which the record came into the system. |
SourceRemoved |
A boolean value indicating whether the calling list from which the contact record originated has been removed (TRUE) or has not (FALSE). |
Start_Date |
The date within the specified time period on which the |
Start_Time |
The time on the Start_Date at which the |
StateIndex |
Identifier for the state that the agent was in while logged in. |
Station_Caller_ID |
The phone number of an incoming contact at a particular station. |
Station_ID |
The unique, system-generated ID of the agent station. |
Station_Name |
The name of the agent station. |
Station_Phone_Num |
The phone number the agent used to log in to the station. The format for the phone number is international code, area code, and number with an optional + at the beginning for international numbers. |
Status |
Whether the |
SystemClassification |
The ID of the system disposition |
SystemClassificationName |
The name of the system disposition assigned to the contact. See System Disposition Values for a full list of possible system dispositions |
TableName |
The area of the product that the field was changed. Examples include security profiles, agents, and teams. |
Tags |
A comma-delimited list of tags the agent attached to the contact. |
TargetAgent |
The unique, system-generated ID of the agent to whom the dialer first attempts to deliver the contact before using other agents. |
TargetAgentName |
The name of the agent to whom the dialer first attempts to deliver the contact before using other agents. |
Target_Agent_No |
The ID of the agent targeted by the event. |
Target_Monitored_Agent |
The agent targeted by the event. |
Team_Name |
The name of the team the agent belongs to. |
Team_No |
The unique, system-generated ID of the team the agent belongs to. |
Termination_Date |
The agent's termination date as specified in the user profile under the User Properties tab. |
Time of Original Contact |
The time when the contact first interacted with an agent. |
Time of Transfer |
The time when the contact was transferred to a different agent. |
Time_Zone |
The agent's time zone as specified in the agent's user profile. |
ToAddress |
The phone number the contact dialed when the call was blocked. |
Total_Cnt |
The total number of contacts who entered the skill |
Total_Time |
The total amount of time in |
Total_Time_Plus_Disposition |
The total amount of time in seconds the contact spent logged in to the CXone system on the date specified. It is calculated by adding the times associated with all contact states for every contact entering the IVR plus the ACW |
Transferred Agent |
The name of the agent that the contact was transferred to. |
Transferred Skill |
The skill |
Transfer Type |
The type of transfer that occurred. The system generates one of the following categories:
A transfer may not fall under one of these categories. If so, this field will be blank. |
Unavailable_Time |
The total amount of time in |
UpdateTime |
The time when the change in the routing criteria occurred. |
Use_Comments |
Indicates whether or not an agent can write notes when setting the disposition |
Username |
The username of the agent, or the username before the '@' in the agent's login username. |
Voice_Timeout |
The amount of time in seconds an agent can be idle in an active call before it is automatically disconnected. |
Wait_Time |
Week |
The number of the week in the year that the events in the row occurred, numbered 1-52. For example, the first week in January is week 1. |
WeekDay |
The number of the day in the week that the events in the row occurred, numbered 1-7. It starts with Sunday as day 1 and ends with Saturday as day 7. For example, Monday is day 2 of the week. |
Working |
Whether the agent is currently handling a contact. It is one of 0 (not working), 1 (on an inbound contact), 2 (on an outbound contact), 3 (on an outbound consult), or 4 (on an inbound consult). |