MU Opens Import File

At a Glance

File name: MUOpens-[YYMMDD][HHMM].xml, where [YYMMDD] is the date in YYMMDD format, and [HHMM] is the time in HHMM format.

File type: XML

MU Opens data import files allow you to import interval-based MU Schedule Open values into IEX WFM Integrated. This is helpful when you collect and display scheduled open data from third-party sources, and you don't need to see the actual specific agent schedules that drive interval values for scheduled open.

Key Facts about MU Opens Data Import Files

  • Each file must contain the elements described in the Document Type Definition. Follow the general XML specifications for file contents and XML best practices.

  • You can import data from multiple MUs in the same MU Opens import file.

  • Imported values are stored as External opens. They are separate from scheduled open values derived from IEX WFM Integrated agent schedules.

  • You can view the external open values on some MU screens. The sum of the External opens and scheduled opens derived from IEX WFM Integrated agent schedules is shown on the CT screens.

  • Date and time elements should use the MU’s time zone.

  • If errors occur during file processing, the data may not import properly. Check file formatting before contacting your IEX WFM Integrated account representative.

  • File names should be 30 or fewer characters.

  • Data import reads the existing data from your IEX WFM Integrated system. It then makes and saves changes according to the information in your import file. The existing data is not locked. Therefore, system data could be modified between the time data import reads it and the time data import saves the changes. If this happens, an error will occur and the data will not be saved.
  • If users are viewing data in IEX WFM Integrated during the data import, and that data is changed, the users cannot change the same data. They must first retrieve the data again. If they try to save a change, the save will fail and they will see a message about the data being modified by someone else. This is the same message shown if another user modifies data. The user can refresh the screen and make the changes again.

General Processing Information

  • Each muOpens element contains all opens data for a single MU, CT, and date.
  • Periods for which the open value is 0 may be included. They aren't required. Any period in the date for which no data is included will be set to 0.
  • Data for schedules that cross midnight may be included with the date on which the schedule starts or with the following date's data. The IEX WFM Integrated MU Opens export includes cross-midnight data with the date of the schedule.
  • This import file is designed to update schedules with external MU Opens. When you make changes to a schedule, remember to run your MU Opens imports again. This ensures that the MU Opens are applied to your revised schedules.

MU Opens Document Type Definition

The Document Type Definition (DTD) is a template for building XML import files. You do not need to create a DTD in your environment.

<!ELEMENT opens (muOpens*) >
<!ELEMENT muOpens (muID, ctID?, date, openValue*)>
<!ELEMENT date (day, month, year)>
<!ELEMENT openValue (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT month (#PCDATA)>

DTD Element Type Considerations

When using the Document Type Definition (DTD) to create a file, keep in mind these considerations about element type declarations: 

<!ELEMENT elementName (childElement, childElement, ...)>

When an element is defined with a list of child elements separated by commas, the children must appear in the same order in the import file. Otherwise, the element will not be valid.

<!ELEMENT elementName (#PCDATA)>

Elements with the #PCDATA type may contain any text string. Data import validates the text as necessary.

Attribute Qualifiers

The DTD uses standard XML element qualifiers:

  • ?—Elements with this qualifier are not required. If you include them, you can only specify them one time per element.
  • *—Elements with this qualifier are not required. You can include more than one of these for each element.
  • +—At least one of the elements with this qualifier is required. You can include more than one of each element.
  • [no qualifier]—Elements not marked with a qualifier are required and you can only be specify them one time per element.

File Contents: Field Specifications

This section includes all elements for use in MU Opens data files. Use the muOpens DTD as the template to structure data in your import file.

Root Element

The root element is opens. This element can contain zero or more muOpens children.

Child Elements

Elements are indented based on their level in the DTD.


Child Element OR Attribute


Valid Values


Contains all opens data for a single MU, CT, and date.

Must include one muID child, one ctID child (optional), one date child, and zero or more openValue child elements.


MU ID. If the MU is not skills-based, it must belong to the CT specified in the ctID element (in this case, ctID cannot be blank or -1). If the MU is skills-based, the specified CT must belong to the same Entity Group (EG) as the MU, or the CT must be blank or -1.


CT ID. May be blank or may contain a -1 value. In either case, -1 will be stored.


Date for which the open value will be stored. This must be a valid date, using day, month, and year children. Data import only changes the MU schedule date range if the MU belongs to an EG on the new date AND if these validations pass: 

  • Start date validations: 
    • May not be more than 581 days earlier than the current date.
    • Plan/forecast data must exist for the MU on the start date.
  • End date validations:
    • Must be on or after the SchedRange record's start date.
    • Plan/forecast data must exist for the MU at least 2 days after the end date.
  day Day of the month for which the open value will be stored. 1-31
  month Month for which the open value will be stored. 1-12
  year Year for which the open value will be stored.

Any year

openValue   Number of agents open for the MU and the CT at the specified date and time period. You may specify up to four decimal places. 0.0000-9999.0000(integers or float)
  time Attribute of the openValue element. Beginning time of the 15-minute period for which the open value will be stored. This is assumed to be in the MU time zone. 24-hour format, on a 15-minute increment, must be 00:00-23:45

Sample Input File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8?>
      <openValue time=”08:00”>12.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:15”>12.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:30”>12.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:45”>12.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:00”>12.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:15”>12.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:30”>12.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:00”>54.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:15”>52.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:30”>55.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:45”>57.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:00”>59.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:15”>59.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:30”>62.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:45”>60.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:00”>2.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:15”>1.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:30”>0.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:45”>1.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:00”>3.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:15”>2.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:30”>4.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:45”>5.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:00”>5.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:15”>5.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:30”>4.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”08:45”>5.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:00”>6.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:15”>6.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:30”>9.00</openValue>
      <openValue time=”09:45”>9.00</openValue>