Contact History Import File

At a Glance

File name: History-YYMMDD][HHMM].txt, where [YYMMDD] is the date in YYMMDD format, and [HHMM] is the time in HHMM format.

File type: CSV

Contact History import files allow you to import historical Contact Type (CT) information into IEX WFM Integrated. This helps reduce data entry time to populate the queue history when you create new queues. If you have data from multimedia servers, such as email or fax servers, IEX WFM Integrated can help you automatically import CT history data from those sources.

Key Facts about Contact History Import Files

  • Follow the specifications in this section to create Contact History import files.

  • The file can contain records from one period, a range of periods, one day, or any number of days.

  • You can view your imported data on screens like Adjust History/Queue History and Intraday. You can also see it on various reports.

  • The following reports and screens won't have data from Queues or Agents, if the data was populated using data import:

    • MU Results report

    • Performance Analysis screen and report

    • MU Analysis

    • MU Measurements

  • Data import does not process agent sign-ins or sign-outs. It also doesn't process real-time data. As a result, these screens and reports will not show CT history data for agents when the information comes from imported data files: 

    • Agent Detail screen and report

    • Queue Utilization report

    • Adherence report

    • Conformance report

    • Real Time Adherence

    • Agent State Summary

  • Before data import can process a Contact History data file, you must define: 

    • A CT type for each type of contact you need for forecasting and scheduling.

    • At least one Queue for each CT. Each ACD Queue Tag must match an ID element used in the Contact History import file.

    • The CT can be either BErlangC-based or Workload-based.

  • Limit file names to 30 characters.

  • Maximum file size is 5 MB.

  • If errors occur during file processing, the data may not import properly. Check file formatting before contacting your IEX WFM Integrated account representative.

Time and Location



Record time range Each import file can contain records for one period, range of periods, one day or any number of days.
Record time increments Records must provide summary data in increments of 15 or 30 minutes. Each record has a date and time stamp.
Time zone

Date and time fields use your CXone ACD time zone.

Shared time elements

Shared time fields, such as ready time, idle time, or login time, must be handled in one of two ways: 

  • Allocated to each ID in the file. The method you use to allocate the time is up to you.

  • Included in only one ID in the file. This approach will cause the Estimated Staff and Actual Occupancy values to be inaccurate.

File Structure

Follow these specifications for structuring the data in Contact History import files.




Format the import files in a delimited format where each field value is surrounded by double quotes and separated by commas. For example: 


File size The maximum size for any import file is 5 MB. Break larger files into separate, smaller files.
File header and trailer

Begin and end the file with these header and trailer records: 

<file content>
Record structure

Each record in an import file must contain every field in the exact order presented in the Field Specifications.

Optional fields don't have to contain data, but must be included in the record as empty fields.

Record sort order

Sort the records in the file in this order: ID, Date, Time.

Record termination End each record with an ASCII new-line character (decimal 10).
Empty fields

For fields that have no data, the record must contain 2 double quotes with no characters between them. For example: 


Delimiters within values Do not include any form of delimiter within a numeric value. This include commas in values that have a thousands place. For example, the value 72,643 must be entered as 72643.

Service Level x 100 Calculation

You must calculate the value for this period and provide it as a percentage using one of the following formulas:

File Contents - Field Specifications

In each record, all fields must be included in the order given in this table, even if the field is empty. If an optional field contains no data, include it as an empty field. All fields are required, unless otherwise noted.



Valid Values


Identifier for a queue of specific contacts routed to agents. The ID in the Contact History import file must be identical to an ACD Queue Tag in the queue definition in IEX WFM Integrated.

An ACD Queue Tag is associated with a contact type (CT) in IEX WFM Integrated. This allows you to provide individual queue records in the file, and subsequently assign one or more queues to CTs in IEX WFM Integrated.

1 to 40 characters

Numeric, alpha, or alphanumeric


Date Date of the historical record being imported to IEX WFM Integrated.





Time of the historical record being imported to IEX WFM Integrated.

This timestamp determines the period into which IEX WFM Integrated posts the data. The time must be the start of the statistics period (for example, a beginning time of 12:00, 12:15, 12:30, or 12:45). The time must also match the statistics period length as defined in IEX WFM Integrated (15 or 30 minutes).

HH:MM in 24-hour time (must include colon)

Use the time for your CXone ACD time zone

Number of Contacts Received

Total number of contacts received in the period designated by Date and Time.

If the data is for a BErlangC-based CT and this field does not equal the sum of Number of Contacts Handled and Number of Contacts Abandoned, the value will be imported as specified in the import file.



Number of Contacts Handled

Total number of contacts handled and completed in the period designated by the Date and Time.

For workload-based CTs (delayed-response CTs such as emails, faxes, and so on), the Number of Contacts Handled may be greater than or less than the Number of Contact Received in an interval.



ASA x 100

Optional. Average speed of answer (ASA) for contacts handled in the interval.

ASA is stored in IEX WFM Integrated with accuracy to two decimal places. Multiply the reported value by 100 to eliminate the decimal indicator.



Reported as seconds

AHT x 100

Optional. Average handle time (AHT) for contacts handled in the interval.

AHT is stored in IEX WFM Integrated with accuracy to two decimal places. Multiply the reported value by 100 to eliminate the decimal indicator.

IEX WFM Integrated calculates AHT as documented in the Contact Types section of the WFM Administrator Guide.



Reported as seconds

Outbound contacts

Optional. Total number of contacts generated by agents in response to inbound contacts in the period designated by Date and Time.

If you can associate each outbound contact with an inbound queue ID, the outbound contact information can be used for calculating “loaded” workforce requirements. Otherwise, this field is only for informational purposes when reporting results in IEX WFM Integrated.



Number of contacts abandoned

Total number of contacts abandoned in the period designated by Date and Time.

This field may not be practical for workload-based CTs, where the Number of Contacts Abandoned may be greater than or less than the Number of Contacts Received in an interval.



Number of contacts abandoned on or before service time

Optional. Total number of contacts abandoned on or before the service level threshold. The value should include contacts abandoned in the period designated by Date and Time. You can define the threshold for each queue in the ACD, on the server, or in the report generator.

This field may not be practical for workload-based CTs, where the Number of Contacts Abandoned may be greater than or less than the Number of Contacts Received in an interval.



Service level x 100

Percentage of contacts handled and completed on or before the service level threshold. The value should be based on contacts handled and completed in the period designated by Date and Time.

Must be calculated as a percentage. Service Level is stored in IEX WFM Integrated with accuracy to two decimal places. Multiply the reported value by 100 to eliminate the decimal indicator.

You can define the threshold for each queue in the ACD, on the server, or in the report generator.



Must be a percentage

Filler Reserved for future use. Include it as an empty field.  
In time Total number of seconds agents spent on contacts that were handled and completed. The value should include contacts handled and completed in the period designated by Date and Time. Often referred to as "after call work time" or “talk time” for inbound calls and “work time” or "research time" for emails. 0-999900


Reported as seconds

Out time Optional. Total number of seconds agents spent on outbound contacts in the period designated by Date and Time. If you can associate each outbound contact with an inbound queue ID, the outbound contact information can be used for calculating “loaded” workforce requirements. Otherwise, this field is only for information purposes when reporting results in IEX WFM Integrated. 0-999900


Reported as seconds

Filler Reserved for future use. Include it as an empty field.  
Ready time

Optional. Total number of seconds agents met all three of these criteria during the period designated by Date and Time:  

  • Logged into the system
  • Ready and waiting/available for contacts
  • Not actively talking or working on contacts


Reported as seconds

Work time Optional. Total number of seconds agents spent on contacts that were handled and completed. The value should include contacts handled and completed in the period designated by Date and Time. Often referred to as "after call work time" or “talk time” for inbound calls and “work time” or "research time" for emails. 0-999900


Reported as seconds

Idle time

Optional. Total number of seconds agents met all three of these criteria during the period designated by Date and Time:  

  • Logged into the system
  • Not ready, not waiting, and not available for contacts
  • Not actively talking or working on contacts


Reported as seconds

Login time Optional. Total number of seconds agents were logged in to the ACD or server. The value should include time logged in for the period designated by Date and Time. 0-999900


Reported as seconds

Backlog not yet expired

Optional. Total number of contacts received in previous intervals that have not been worked, completed, handled, or abandoned by the end of the period designated by Date and Time. These contacts may still be worked in future periods. The service threshold has not passed for these contacts.

Normally used only for workload-based CTs.



Backlog expired

Optional. Total number of contacts received in previous intervals that have not been worked, completed, handled, or abandoned by the end of the period designated by Date and Time. These contacts may still be worked in future periods. The service threshold has passed for these contacts.

Normally only used for workload-based CTs.



Input File Sample
