Setting up Notifications in Objectives

After you have set up your notification, you can stay on top of your performance goals. This page focuses on how you can set up notifications that alert you when your objectives hit certain targets. Whether you're a manager tracking team performance or an agent monitoring your own progress, these notification tools will help you stay informed and responsive to changes in your objectives.

To set up notifications:

  1. On Performance Notification, click Add.
  2. In Add Notification, select the level for which you've created the objective in When.
  3. The option is in the lowest range consistently is displayed when the metric direction is up. Similarly, the option changes to is in the highest range consistently when the metric direction is down.
  4. Select the amount of time and then pick an interval under Select Interval.
  5. You can select both Email or System Notification under Send notification, and then, select the users to whom you want the notification to be sent. System notifications appear in the Notification Center . Click a notification to view its date, time, and relevant details related to the objective, such as team, agent, or company. If you’ve chosen both email and system notification, you’ll receive both types in the Notification Center.
  6. Click Save to create the notification.

Editing and Deleting an Objective

You can edit or delete an objective on the Objectives page.

To edit an existing objective, click on Options and then select Edit next to the objective you want to edit. You can update the objective in the same way as you would create a new one. After you’re done, click Save and Update to save your changes.

To delete an existing objective, click on Options and then select Delete . You will receive a warning that deleting an objective may affect the associated dashboards. If you want to proceed with the deletion, click Delete. Otherwise, click Cancel.