Install Exchanges

RabbitMQ exchanges direct messages from one Uptivity service to the appropriate queue for another service.

This task references the settings.ini file. This file is created by the Uptivity installation wizard and typically found at C:\Program Files (x86)\CallCopy, and typically does not require any configuration during installation. For more information about this file, see Rabbit Exchnage Installer INI File.

This task must be performed on one RabbitMQ server in each customer location (in other words, once per RabbitMQ cluster). You can monitor all queues on a given LAN from any RabbitMQ server on that LAN. All RabbitMQ nodes must be running during this task.

  1. Configure a RabbitMQ section in the settings.ini file for each RabbitMQ node in the cluster, with the section header referencing the name of the node (in the image, [rabbitmq1]). The section must contain the following entries:


    host=<hostname or IP address of the server>

    username=<username of the Uptivity account (typically "callcopy")>

    password=<password for the Uptivity account>


    You must specify false for the enablessl setting (even if the system requires SSL). If you do not specify false, the installation of exchanges will fail.

    For basic information on how to do this, see Configure INI Files.

  2. Open a command prompt and change to the directory containing the RabbitMQ Exchange installer (cc_rabbitExchangeInstaller). This installer is part of the Uptivity installation, and is typically found at C:\Program Files (x86)\CallCopy\Recorder.
  3. Type the following command and then press Enter :

    cc_rabbitExchangeInstaller install

  4. Close the command prompt window and open a web browser, then type the following address:


    You must use "localhost" in the address; using the server's IP address will result in a failed login.

  5. Log into RabbitMQ by typing guest in both the Username and Password fields, and then clicking Login.
  6. Click the Exchanges tab to verify the correct exchanges have been installed.


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