Rabbit Exchange Installer INI File Settings

The cc_rabbitexchangeinstaller.ini file contains configuration settings for RabbitMQ exchanges used in Uptivity.

This file is provided by Uptivity Development and should not require any configuration at the time of installation. It is typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\CallCopy\Recorder. For basic information on editing this file, see Configure INI Files.

Refer to the preceding image for proper formatting of the INI file. The file contains a section for each exchange used by Uptivity. The fields in each section are the same. The following services are currently used with RabbitMQ exchanges:

  • Notifications — Used only in deployments of Hosted inContact WFO. Sends emails or texts on behalf of other services.
  • Recording — Manages communication between the CTI Core service and the Uptivity API service

The INI file contains these settings: 




Identifies the name of the exchange, for example: forecasting, notifications, recording, and so forth.
Durable Specifies the exchange is either durable (meaning it would survive a restart of RabbitMQ) or transient (meaning it would have to be re-declared when RabbitMQ comes back online after a restart). Exchanges used with Uptivity should always be durable, so this value should always be set to true.
Autodelete Specifies whether queues associated with the exchange should be deleted when all consumers have finished using the exchange. Possible values are true or false. Queues associated with Uptivity RabbitMQ exchanges should not be deleted, so this value should always be set to false.


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