Install Federated Exchanges

Federation is the process of enabling RabbitMQ brokers to communicate over a WAN. This topic explains how to install the exchanges required for federating RabbitMQ brokers.

This task is required ONLY if your system design requires federation. If federation is not part of your system design, skip this task.

The federation exchange installer creates a federated exchange and an upstream exchange. An upstream exchange links a federated exchange to an exchange on a remote RabbitMQ broker. (A remote RabbitMQ broker is a broker that is hosted on a separate LAN.) When an upstream is created, the local RabbitMQ broker receives all of the messages published to the exchange on the remote RabbitMQ broker (via the federated exchange).

An upstream only establishes one-way communication (from a remote broker to the local broker). For two-way communication, an upstream must be created on each of the two brokers that you want to connect.

For Uptivity, you must establish two-way communication between the Uptivity site that is hosting all of the required recording services and any dependent recording site. A dependent recording site is a site that must receive recording commands from a service on a remote recording site.

The federated exchange is named fed.recording.

The cc_rabbitexchangeinstaller.ini file contains configuration settings for RabbitMQ exchanges used in Uptivity. For more information about this file, see Rabbit Exchange Installer INI Settings.

Before completing this task, you must complete the previous RabbitMQ installation tasks, including installing exchanges.

This task must be performed on both the Uptivity site that is hosting all of the required recording services (that is, the independent recording site) and on the dependent recording site(s). A dependent recording site is a site that must receive recording commands from a service on a remote recording site.

  1. On the RabbitMQ server at the dependent recording site, open a command prompt and change to the directory containing the RabbitMQ Exchange installer (cc_rabbitExchangeInstaller). This installer is part of the Uptivity installation, and is typically found at C:\Program Files (x86)\CallCopy\Recorder.
  2. Enter the following command and specify the domain (FQDN or IP address) of the remote RabbitMQ server (the independent recording server) that you want to connect to (FQDN is preferred.):

    cc_rabbitExchangeInstaller install -federate -remote=<FQDN>

    You can provide a comma separated list of domains (FQDN or IP address) to create exchanges on multiple RabbitMQ nodes:

    cc_rabbitExchangeInstaller install -federate -remote=<exampledomain1.lab, exampledomain2.lab>

  3. You can verify that the fed.recording exchange was installed successfully:
    1. Close the command prompt window and open a web browser, then type the following address:


      You must use "localhost" in the address; using the server's IP address will result in a failed login.

    2. Log into RabbitMQ by typing guest in both the Username and Password fields, and then clicking Login.
    3. Click the Exchanges tab to verify the fed.recording exchange was installed.
  4. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 on the server hosting RabbitMQ at the independent recording site.

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