Printable Reports Overview

Printable reports are standard reports that are pre-configured in your Uptivity system. They can be customized using search criteria to meet your organization's needs. If you have reports that you generate frequently using the same criteria, you can save these criteria sets and then generate reports using the saved sets.

Printable reports are organized into the following categories:

  • Analytics Reporting — Available only if your organization uses NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics. For more information, see NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics Overview.
  • Call Reporting — Reports that provide information about calls, such as the ANI and DNIS, and agents, such as the total number of calls that were recorded for an agent over a period of time.
  • QA Reporting — Reports that allow you to trend and track the performance of your agents, analysts, and groups as part of your quality management program. QA reports also serve as extremely powerful coaching tools to help close knowledge gaps, as identified through the evaluation of calls and as shown through reporting. These reports require that one or more QA evaluation forms be created. The way that forms are created affects and impacts the reporting data you are able to see in this category of reports. For more information, see QA Evaluation Forms Overview.
  • QA Calibration Reporting — Reports that are based on the calibration evaluations your quality assurance (QA) team members have performed. Scores associated with calibration evaluations are not included in regular QA Reporting reports, and vice versa. For more information, see Calibration Overview.
  • QA Self-Evaluation Reporting — Reports that are based on the self-evaluations your agents have performed. Scores associated with self-evaluations are not included in regular QA Reporting reports, and vice versa. For more information, see Agent Self-Evaluation Overview.
  • Survey Reporting — Available only if your organization uses NICE Uptivity Survey. For more information, see NICE Uptivity Survey Overview.
  • System Reporting — Printable system reports that provide historical data that relates to usage of the Uptivity software and the status of the system and software. There is also a separate category of system reports available from the left navigation menu on the main Reporting page.

Group-level permissions apply to most printable reports. This means that results will be limited to data from the QA Groups to which you have access.

All printable reports share a common page design and layout, and offer the same controls and options within the report.

Uptivity uses SQL Server Reporting Services to provide all reporting functionality.

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NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics Reports

  • Analytics Speech Tag Frequency
  • Speech Category Summary
  • Speech Category Trending
  • Speech Tag Detail
  • Speech Tag Exception Detail
  • Speech Tag Exception Summary
  • Speech Tag Frequency Summary
  • Speech Tag Trending

NICE Uptivity Survey Reports

  • Survey Detail
  • Survey Detail Summary
  • Survey Overview
  • Survey Summary
  • Survey Summary by Agent
  • Survey Summary by Question
  • Survey Summary by Response