Manage CTI Cores

CTI Core is the software component that provides the PBXClosed An acronym for Private Branch Exchange. A telephone switching device owned by a private company that serves a particular business or office. / ACDClosed Acronym for Automatic Call Distributor - A device used to manage and distribute incoming calls to a specific group of terminals. integration and makes call recording decisions based on customer-defined recording schedules. For more information, see CTI Core Overview or refer to the specific integration document listed in Recording Integrations Overview.

CTI Cores List

The CTI Cores List page allows you to view information about the CTI CoresClosed The software component that provides the PBX/ACD integration and makes call recording decisions based on customer-defined recording schedules. in your system, add monitors to a module within a core.

To navigate to this page in the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration > Recorder Settings > CTI Cores.

CTI Core INI File Settings



flipaudiochannels This setting allows a user to configure their system to swap the voice assignment for stereo recording integrations. To enable this behavior, add this setting with a value of T. This setting can only be configured in the INI file.
ChatActionId Set this to a valid archive action ID. This setting can only be configured in the INI file.
ChatKeepDays Set this to the number of days the system should wait before executing the archive action. This number is overridden if the CHATUPDATE command's optional parameter, KEEPDAYS, is being used.

This setting allows you to have Uptivity log a critical event when recording isn't possible due to no channels being available.

If you want Uptivity to log no channels being available as critical events, set this to true. The default (false) is to log these events at the notice level, which doesn't generate an alert.This setting can only be configured in the INI file.

When enabled, this setting can result in a large number of logged events. It's recommended that you use it only with active recording integrations (not passive integrations).

LogExtra Set this to true if you want to enable extra logging for troublehooting CTI Core issues. The default is false.

This setting is only necessary if you are setting up buddy cores. This toggles the functionality of the secondary core. It can be set to true or false.

True indicates that active/inactive mode is used. False indicates that primary/secondary mode is used.


This setting is only necessary if you are setting up buddy cores. How many seconds the primary core waits for a connection to the secondary core before starting to record. The secondary core will only do this if activeinactive is set to true.


This setting is only necessary if you are setting up buddy cores.

Use this configuration only if specific CTI modules should start when the Core initially starts instead of waiting for Buddy. Modules not in this list will only be started with a Buddy condition.

Set Cores to Restart Automatically

If the cause of the Buddy Core activating is due to a power outage, network problem, or other server fault beyond just a Core failure, that issue will need to be resolved first. Once the server is back online, perform the following steps during a time that will not affect service:

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration > Tools > Service Manager.
  2. Ensure Auto-Restart is set to Yes for both the primary and secondary Cores.
  3. Click Save.

If an event causes a Core to stop and restart, it will do so with either Primary/Secondary or Active/Inactive, as set in the cticore.ini. If there are modules listed for warmstandbymodules, those will also restart.