Install RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ is an open-source service bus used to manage communication between Uptivity services and modules. Installing RabbitMQ is a required step in the Uptivity installation process. If you are upgrading Uptivity, you might need to upgrade RabbitMQ too. See Upgrading RabbitMQ for more information.

Before you begin this task, obtain the RabbitMQ installer file from the Uptivity Installation folder.

This task must be performed on any server that will host RabbitMQ.

  1. In File Explorer, locate and launch the RabbitMQ installer (rabbitmq-server-<version number>.exe) as an administrator.
  2. On the Choose Components dialog, verify that RabbitMQ Service is selected and click Next.
  3. On the Choose Install Location dialog, click Install.
  4. Click Finish.


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