Install OpenSSL

OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of SSL and TLS protocols. It is required for RabbitMQ to manage communication between Uptivity services and modules in SSL environments.

This task is only required if SSL is used in the customer environment. RabbitMQ should not be configured to use SSL unless the entire environment uses SSL. Mixing SSL and non-SSL components in an environment can cause issues.

Before you begin this task, obtain the OpenSSL installer file from the Uptivity Installation folder.

This task must be performed on any server that will host RabbitMQ.

  1. In File Explorer, locate and launch the OpenSSL installer (Win64OpenSSL_Light<version number>.exe) as an administrator.
  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
  3. On the License Agreement dialog, select I accept the agreement and click Next.
  4. On the Select Destination Location dialog, click Next.
  5. On the Select Start Menu Folder dialog, click Next.
  6. On the Select Additional Tasks dialog, ensure that The Windows system directory option is selected and click Next.
  7. Click Install.
  8. Clear any selected checkboxes and click Finish.
  9. Restart the server.


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