Printable Reports Overview

Printable reports are standard reports that are pre-configured in your Uptivity system. They can be customized using search criteria to meet your organization's needs. If you have reports that you generate frequently using the same criteria, you can save these criteria sets and then generate reports using the saved sets.

Printable reports are organized in the NICE Uptivity Web Portal at Reporting Printable Reports. This page is divided into sections based on the various report categories. The sections in your system may vary from those shown in the preceding image, depending on the modules your organization has purchased. For example, you will not see the Analytics Reporting or Survey Reporting sections unless your organization has NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics or NICE Uptivity Survey, respectively.

Some categories have sub-categories due to the number of reports available. For example, the QA Reporting section is divided into three sub-sections: By AgentClosedThe person or people taking the inbound calls., By GroupClosedA definable collection of users. (that is, QA Group), and By Form.

Clicking on a section heading loads the list of reports for that category, as does clicking the category in the left navigation menu. Report lists are discussed in the following section of this topic.

Clicking on a sub-section heading loads a list of reports for that category, filtered by the type of report shown in the sub-section. For example, clicking the By Agent heading in the QA Reports section loads a list of QA reports that provide information on individual agents.

Clicking the name of a report loads the report itself. From there, you can select your criteria and generate the report if you have at least one Reporting Permission.

The following categories are available, depending on your configuration:

Group-level permissions apply to most printable reports. This means that results will be limited to data from the QA Groups to which you have access.

All printable reports share a common page design and layout, and offer the same controls and options within the report.

Uptivity uses SQL Server Reporting Services to provide all reporting functionality.