Major Features and Enhancements in 20.1

For additional information, see the technical documentation references cited for each feature or ask your NICE Uptivity representative.


Legacy Desktop Analytics (Fusion) support is renewed in 20.1. This service exists as-is and will continue to be supported although it is no longer being worked on.

The client installation for Fusion has been updated to include an extension for Google Chrome web browsers that enables Blackouts to work. The NICE Browser Connector extension should be allowed to install and be enabled automatically. If it is not automatically enabled, each agent who uses the Fusion client will have to enable the extension individually.

Client-Side (WEBM) Screen Capture with the Screen Capture Client

The Screen Capture Client now provides client-side screen capture, which captures screen activity in 1-minute WEBM segments, which are sent to the server for transcoding. In previous versions of screen capture, the client captured screen activity as JPG, which were sent to the server for transcoding. Client-side/WEBM screen capture reduces server-side hardware usage. Additionally, it offers enhanced call details, such as noting when the agent locked the screen, when there is missing video, and when blackouts occurred.

The new Screen Capture client can be installed with Uptivity version 18.12. It automatically determines the screen capture method to use based on the environment. Starting with the 20.1 release, all patches for the Screen Capture client will be for the new version of the client.

The new Screen Capture client supports connections to multiple RabbitMQ and SCAPI hosts, and automatically detects when one goes down and attempts to connect with the next one, if multiple hosts are listed in the configuration file.

RabbitMQ and SCAPI Host Failover

Screen Capture Client automatically detects if a RabbitMQ and SCAPI hosts is down and will attempt to use another host, if multiple hosts are configured in the Screen Capture Client INI file.

Performance Management and Dashboard Changes

The Performance Management Portal has been integrated into the NICE Uptivity Web Portal. This brought about several changes:

  • The NICE Uptivity Home tab has been replaced with the Dashboards tab. Every user of NICE Uptivity has access to this page.
  • Any features previously located on the Home tab (Achievements, Assignment Inbox) are now available as widgets on the Dashboard.
  • Performance Management Dashboards are no longer a separately licensed feature; however, some widgets still require additional licensing (Metrics and Tickers).

CXone WFO Interaction Analytics

Uptivity can now integrate with CXone Interaction Analytics (IA), which provides speech-to-text transcription. When used with on-prem Uptivity, call recordings are transcribed on-prem, then the transcripts and call metadata are moved to the cloud, where IA analyzes the transcripts and stores data in its database.

Users must choose between Uptivity Speech Analytics and IA. Uptivity does not support running both at the same time.

Users will need dedicated hardware for running Nexidia services. There are additional hardware requirements for IA as compared to Speech Analytics. A stable connection is required to upload transcription and metadata to CXone in the cloud.

New CTI Core INI Setting

The flipaudiochannels setting in the cc_cticore.ini file allows a user to configure their system to swap the voice assignment for stereo recording integrations. Previously, this functionality was available through a setting in the cc_transcoder.ini file; it has been removed from that service.


The "Allow Viewing of Video" and "Allow Player Blackout" permissions have been removed.

Archiver Database Backup

The "MSSQL Database Backup" field in Archiver settings has been removed; Archiver is not able to perform a database backup.


Transcoder 2 now uses multi-threading for audio conversion. It completes more audio jobs in less time. Users can configure the number of threads in each instance of Transcoder2. The default is 1 audio thread. The maximum number of threads in a system is 1 less than the number of CPU cores (audio threads + video threads = CPU cores - 1). For example: 3 audio threads + 4 video threads is the maximum for an 8 core system.