Filters and Searches

You can find recordings with the Recorded Interactions list in the UptivityNICE Uptivity Web Portal. You may need to find specific recorded interactions so you can listen to them, evaluate the agent's performance, or perform other tasks. Uptivity provides several options that can make it easier to find the recordings that you need: 



Simple searches Use the search option at the top of the Recorded Interactions list to find recordings using one of the search criteria from the drop-down list.
Sorting the list Sort the Recorded Interactions list by clicking on any of the column headers to help you locate recordings based on that column's data.
Quick filter menu The quick filter menu on the left side of the Recorded Interactions list provides pre-made filters for some of the more common ways you might want to find recordings, such as by date, agent, or group. The quick filters that are available to you depend on how Uptivity is configured.
Custom filters Use the filter options at the top of the Recorded Interactions list to create and save custom filters that contain multiple parameters and a variety of operators (such as equals, contains, less than, and so on). You can save custom filters and reuse them later. Custom filters can be made public or private.
Categories Use categories to store links to specific recordings that you want have easy access to later. You can create your own categories, which can be public or private, or add recordings to public or shared categories that others have created.
Bookmarks and Flags Use bookmarks and flags to mark individual recordings. Bookmarks allow you to add comments to recordings, while flags simply mark the recording to make it easier to find later.
Tag Cloud Use the Tag Cloud to filter recordings. This feature is available if your organization uses NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics

Tag Cloud

The Tag Cloud quick filter is available only if your organization uses NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics. You can use the Tag Cloud to sort recorded interactions by the tag groups assigned when the speech analytics engine reviewed the recording.

If you have created a large number of call tags, or one particular tag occurs very frequently, the Tag Cloud may not display correctly. Notify your NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics administrator if you experience this issue.

The tag size is weighted as shown in this table:


Found on (%) of the calls in the selection

1 99% or more
2 70% but less than 99%
3 40% but less than 70%
4 20% or more and less than 40%
5 less than 20%

Stacking Multiple Filters

Some the filters stack, so you can add additional filters to further refine your search. You can combine: 

  • One custom filter and one of each type of quick filter at the same time.
  • One category and one or more quick filters.

You can apply one of each type of quick filter at a time. For example, you can only select one agent from the Agent quick filter menu, but you can select an agent, a date, and a group from the corresponding quick filters, and all three parameters apply to your search. If you want to filter using more complex parameters, such filtering for the recordings of several agents at the same time, you must create a custom filter.

The Filter: field in the filter bar above the Recorded Interactions List displays what filters are currently applied to the list. If you hover the cursor over a filter, the tool tip shows the exact criterion you selected (for example, the name of the agent or group).

Filter Operators

When you create custom filters, you can choose from several operators to get the results you want.



The field contents must be an exact match for the provided criteria. For example: CallerID Equals 614-555-5555 will only return calls from that exact phone number.
Not Equals The field contents must not be an exact match for the provided criteria. For example, CallerID Not Equals 614-555-5555 will return every call recorded except those from 614-555-5555.
Starts With The field contents must start with the same value as the provided criteria. This operator is useful for area code searches. For example, CallerID Starts With 614 will display every call recorded where Caller ID begins with 614.
Ends With The field contents must end with the same value as the provided criteria. This operator is useful for locating calls when you only have the last four digits of the caller's phone number. For example, CallerID Ends With 5555 will display every call recorded where Caller ID ends with 5555.
Contains The field contents must contain the same value as the provided criteria, even if the match is not exact. This operator is useful for locating calls with only a partial phone number. For example, CallerID Contains 555-55 will display every call recorded where Caller ID contains the numbers 555-55.
Does Not Contain The field contents must not contain the same value as the provided criteria. For example, CallerID Does Not Contain 555-5555 will exclude all calls with caller phone number 555-5555, regardless of area code.
Less Than (<) The field contents must be less than the provided criteria. This operator is used only with numeric and date fields. For example, Record ID Less Than 3264 will exclude every call with a record ID number greater than 3264.
Greater Than (>) The field contents must be greater than the provided criteria. This operator is used only with numeric and date fields. For example, Record ID Greater Than 3264 will exclude every call with a record ID number less than 3264.
In The field contents must match one of a list of values provided as criteria. For example, Extension In 1234, 1235, 1236 will return all calls recorded on the listed extensions.
Not In The field contents must not match one of a list of values provided as criteria. For example, Extension Not In 1234, 1235, 1236 will return all calls recorded on extensions other than the ones listed.