Install and Configure the Legacy Desktop Analytics (Fusion) Client

The Fusion client must be installed on every agent PC. Once installed, the application can be used by any user who logs into the PC. The same installer is used regardless of whether the target machine is 32- or 64-bit; Fusion installs and runs as a 32-bit application, even on 64-bit machines.

Before You Begin

Before installing a new version of the application, older versions must be uninstalled. You can do this through the Programs and Features control panel in Windows. The software will be labeled "CallCopy Fusion Software".

In addition, existing scripts will need to be tested and likely edited to work with the new version of Fusion.

Required Permissions

The Fusion installer must have administrator permissions on the client PC, with specific permission to modify or access these registry settings:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment
    • The installer does not modify any value under this setting. It accesses it for reading the java version and java_home values.

Install the Fusion Client

Your NICE Uptivity deployment team will provide you with the files necessary to install the Fusion Client. Before beginning this procedure, copy the files to the agent workstation or to a network location that can be reached from the workstation.

To install Fusion on the user PC:

  1. Log on to the PC using an account with Administrator privileges.
  2. Navigate to the FusionSetup.msi file and double-click to launch the installer. This file is likely located at C:\Program Files (x86)\CallCopy\Fusion.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement checkbox and then click Next.
  5. Do not change any settings on the Custom Setup screen. Click Next.
  6. Configure the settings on the Server Setup screen based on whether your installation uses the optional Fusion Server (for details, see the Server Setup Settings section below). Click Next.
  7. Click Install (if Windows prompts you to allow the installer to run, click Yes).
  8. Click Finish.

Server Setup Settings

The Server Setup screen in the Fusion installer requires different settings depending on whether your installation uses the optional Fusion Server for centralized script management. Unless otherwise specified, use the default settings.

The tables in the dropdowns below also include the names of the INI settings that match the settings on the screen. This is useful because the application settings are read from Fusion.ini, usually located at C:\Program Files (x86)\CallCopy\Fusion\. The contents of the file vary significantly depending on whether your installation uses the optional Fusion Server, so be sure to only use the appropriate settings for your site.


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