NICE Uptivity Web Portal Overview

The NICE Uptivity Web Portal is the primary user interface for NICE Uptivity. The tabs you see across the top of the portal may vary depending on your security permissions and the NICE Uptivity modules purchased and used by your organization.

Your system administrator should provide you with the necessary information to log in to the NICE Uptivity Web Portal:

  • User Name
  • Initial password
  • Login mode (your system may be set up to use your Windows network account or an Uptivity account)
  • URL or link to the NICE Uptivity Web Portal

NICE Uptivity allows multiple simultaneous logins from the same account. If you log in on multiple computers or browsers and then log out on only one, Uptivity removes you from the list of logged-in users, even if you remain logged in on another computer or in another browser.

For security reasons, Uptivity does not support saving either your username or password within your web browser. However, you can have Uptivity remember your username so you don't have to type it each time you login.

If your login fails, you will be presented with the following error: "An invalid username or password was used."

To attempt another login, you should:

  • Verify that [caps lock] is not on.
  • Verify that you have the correct username, password, and login mode.

If you fail to log in after three or more attempts, you may be locked out of the system and have to contact the system administrator. Instead, after two login failures, use the Forgot Password feature if your organization allows this.

After a period of inactivity defined by your system administrator, NICE Uptivity warns you that a timeout is imminent and asks if you want to continue working. If you do not respond to the message, the system logs you out and displays the login page.


Dashboard Tab

Provides access to Dashboards that contain widgets such as Metrics, Reports, Assignments, Achievements, and more. This tab is available to any user with an Uptivity login, although the specific dashboards available to each user or group can vary.

Interactions List Tab

Provides access to the following sub-tabs:

  • Recorded Interactions
  • Live Monitor (only displays if you have appropriate permissions)

Performance Management

Provides access to the following sub-tabs:

  • Reports
  • BI Explorer
  • BI Designer
  • Ticker Manager
  • Messaging
  • Registry
  • Telephony Groups

Each of these sub-tabs have specific permissions required. For this information, see Performance Management Overview.

Coaching Tab

Provides access to features and functionality associated with NICE Uptivity Quality Management.

Reporting Tab

Provides access to features and functionality associated with Uptivity Reporting.

Surveys Tab

Provides access to features and functionality associated with NICE Uptivity Survey. This tab appears only if your deployment includes NICE Uptivity Survey and if you have one of the Survey-related permissions. For more information, see NICE Uptivity Survey Overview.

Administration Tab

Provides access to administrative features and functionality. This tab appears only if you have appropriate permissions. The Administration tab also provides access to the Add-Ons sub-tab if you have appropriate permissions for NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics, NICE Uptivity Survey, or both.