Creating a New Dashboard from a Published Template
NICE Uptivity Performance Management Dashboards make it easy to broadcast and share data and information in visually-rich and impactful ways across your contact center.
For more information, see Dashboards Overview.
You must have appropriate permissions to perform this task. For more information, see your system administrator.
To create a Dashboard from a Template:
- Click the lock icon above the numbered list to unlock the Dashboard page.
- Click Manage Dashboards.
- Click new dashboard.
- To select from a list of published dashboards available for your group, click Manage Templates.
- Select the template you want to use as the basis for your dashboard.
- Optional: Modify the widgets.
- Optional: Modify the layout.
- Save the dashboard.
You can make changes to the dashboard with no impact on the published template. When a template is updated or republished, you are prompted to choose whether you want to save your changes as a new (separate) dashboard or to override your changes with the updated template.
Related Tasks
- Adding Panels
- Creating a New Dashboard Without a Template
- Customizing the Starter Dashboard
- Editing Dashboards