Manage Agents

Supervise Agent Interactions

When you hover over an agent on an active interaction, buttons appear on the right side of the row. You can only see buttons for functions you have permission to use. You can click the corresponding button to:

Button Action
Record Record the call. You do not have to connect your agent legClosed The portion of an interaction that takes place between CXone and the agent. to use the record function. Recording begins from the point at which you click the button. Click the button again to stop recording.

Monitor a call without the agent or the customer being aware of your presence. Your agent leg must be connected for you to use this function. Click the button again to stop monitoring.

Coach Enter the call and coach the agent without the contact hearing you. Your agent leg must be connected for you to use this function. Click the button again to stop coaching.
Barge Enter the call and speak to everyone on the call. This might be necessary if you need to help an agent in distress or immediately correct an agent's misstatement. Your agent leg must be connected for you to use this function. Click the button again to leave the call.
Take over Take over an agent's active call, This removes the agent from the call and opens MAX to give you full control of the conversation. You can transfer, conference, or perform any other action the agent could. When you take over a call, Supervisor becomes disabled until you complete the call and log out of MAX. To continue using Supervisor after this, you must reconnect your agent leg.
Force Logout Force the agent to log out of the agent application. If the agent is handling an active call, clicking Force Logout disconnects the call and notifies the agent. You do not have to connect your agent legClosed The portion of an interaction that takes place between CXone and the agent. to use the Force Logout function. Keep in mind, you must have permission to change the agent state.

Modify Skill Assignments and Proficiencies

Required permissionsSkills Edit

You can review the amount of time an agent spends handling interactions from different skills. If you see an agent is using time inefficiently, you can make adjustments to the agent’s skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge assignments and proficiencies. You can only change agent skills for which you have permission.

  1. From the Agents list view, click the name of the agent you want to modify.

  2. Click the Skills tab.

  3. Perform one or more of the following modifications:

    1. Under Assigned Skills, click any skills you want to remove from the agent and then click Remove Skills.
    2. Under Unassigned Skills, click any skills you want to add to the agent and then click Add Skills
  4. If you want to change the skill proficiency settings for the agent:

    1. Click the proficiency number for the skill you want to change.
    2. In the proficiency pop-up, use the slider to determine the agent's proficiency, ranging from 1 (high) to 20 (low).
    3. Click outside the pop-up to save the new setting and then close the pop-up.