Customer Integration Tasks

Complete these tasks for the customer-side configuration for the ShoreTel integration with NICE Uptivity:

  1. Complete all necessary physical and IP connections between the recording servers and the LAN.
  2. Complete the VoIP mirroring design and procedural tasks needed to configure your network for passive VoIP (see the Customer Guide to Passive VoIP Recording.
  3. Configure integration with ShoreTel Connect Contact Center, if you use this software.

  4. After the Uptivity software has been installed and the Web Portal has been configured, install and register ShoreTel Remote Server.

Configure Integration with ShoreTel Connect Contact Center Software

If you use ShoreTel Contact Center software, you can choose to configure Contact Center to pass call metadata through ShoreTel Contact Center Director into the TAPI events received for a phone. The Uptivity installation team can modify the channel script to include this metadata in the call record. For a complete description of mandatory and user-defined call profiles, and their associated user fields, see the ShoreTel Contact Center Administrator Guide.

  1. On the Contact Center server, in the directory in which ShoreTel Contact Center is installed, use a text editor (such as Notepad) to create a file named shoretelcfg.ini.
  2. In the shoretelcfg.ini file, add a section named call_profile.
  3. In the call_profile section, specify a key named user_fields with call profile field names as values. Separate the values with a comma. For example:

    [call_profile]user_fields=AGENT_NUMBER, AccNo, Balance, DueDate
  4. Restart the ShoreTel Contact Center server. The call profile field values that you specified will now display in the TAPI call properties and be available for the Uptivity channel script.

Install ShoreTel Remote Server: 

After the Uptivity installation engineer has installed the software and configured the Web Portal, you must install the ShoreWare Remote Server software on the recording server. For detailed instructions on installing Remote Server software, refer to the appropriate ShoreTel Planning and Installation Guide for your version of the PBX.

  1. Download the Remote Server software using the ShoreTel Director web interface. It can usually be found at this URL:
    where <directorhost> is the TCP/IP address or host name of your ShoreTel Contact Center Director server. If you cannot find the software download, contact your ShoreTel representative.
  2. Follow the prompts to install the application server.
  3. When prompted for the IP address or name of the headquarters server, enter the IP address (or hostname) of the ShoreTel Contact Center Director.
  4. After a successful installation, you will be prompted to reboot the server.

Register ShoreTel Remote Server: 

  1. Go to the ShoreTel Contact Center Director Web administration site at this URL, where <directorhost> is the IP address or host name of the ShoreTel Director Server: http://<directorhost>/ShoreWareDirector/
  2. Log in with an account that has the appropriate permissions.
  3. Click Administration > Application Server.
  4. On the Application Servers page, select the site to which the application server will be added and click Go.
  5. On the Edit Server page, enter a name for the Uptivity recording server.
  6. In the Host IP Address field, enter the IP address of the Uptivity recording server on which you installed the Remote Server software.
  7. Clear the checkbox for Allow Voice Mailboxes.
  8. Click Save.


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