Manage Users

Required Permission — Allow User Administration

Users are individuals who appear in, have access to, and can perform tasks in the NICE Uptivity Web Portal. For more information, see Users Overview.

Add a User

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration > Permissions > Users. Click Add User.
  2. In the Basic Information section, type information in all mandatory fields.
  3. You can complete additional fields in the Basic Information section, as well as the Additional Information section.
  4. Set time preferences for the user.
  5. Set up phones for the user.
  6. Assign one or more roles to the user.
  7. Click Save.

After adding a user, they may need additional configuration for recording.

Search for a User

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration > Permissions > Users.
  2. Type the name of a user in the Search field and then click Go.
  3. Double-click an entry in the search results to open the user account.

Edit a User

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration > Permissions > Users.
  2. Double-click a user record. If the user record is not visible, you can search for it (see above).
  3. Make the necessary changes.
  4. Click Save.

Lock a User

A common edit is to lock the user. Locking a user account prevents the user from logging in to the NICE Uptivity Web Portal. All other functionality is unaffected. If the account is needed again, you can unlock it and it will function normally. Users whose accounts have been locked receive a locked account message if they attempt to log in. To lock or unlock a user, use the Account Locked checkbox when editing.

Deactivate a User

Users whose accounts have been deactivated no longer have access to the NICE Uptivity Web Portal and are no longer recorded (if applicable). In this case, the user's information is still available via the NICE Uptivity Web Portal and they still appear in historical reports. If you need to reactivate a user account, contact Uptivity Support.

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration > Permissions > Users.
  2. Double-click a user account.
  3. Select the Account Locked checkbox.
  4. Under Phones, click the phone or extension number, and then click Delete. If there are multiple entries in the Phones field, repeat this step until all entries have been removed. Extensions cannot be reassigned if still attached to a user.
  5. Click Save.

Delete a User

Deleting a user cannot be undone.

Deleting users removes all NICE Uptivity Web Portal access to account information and call data. If the user still needs to appear in NICE Uptivity Web Portal searches and in reporting, consider deactivating the account instead (see above).

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration > Permissions > Users.
  2. Double-click the account in the Users list.
  3. Clear Agent if the user was recorded. This ensures the user no longer appears in the agent list for filtering searches and no longer appears in agent-related reports.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click OK.