Manage Ad Hoc Reports

Ad hoc reporting enables you to analyze data and create custom, reusable reports. Users control what data is included in a report and how that data appears. For more information, see Ad Hoc Reports Overview.

Create Ad Hoc Reports

Required Permissions — Allow WFO Ad Hoc Reporting, plus at least one report type permission (for example, Allow Viewing Call Reports)

  1. Click the category for the report you want to create.
  2. Click Create a Report.
  3. Build the report using the Ad Hoc Report Builder.
  4. You can click Preview to see how the report, charts, or both will render. The Preview button appears only after you have added at least one field to the report.
  5. Click Save.
  6. You can save the report criteria for later use:

    1. Select the Save Report Criteria checkbox.
    2. Enter a value in the Report Criteria Name field.
    3. For Access, select either Public or Private from the drop-down list. The default value is Private.
  7. Click Save again.

You can also Edit and Delete existing ad hoc reports. When editing an ad hoc report, it is recommended that you Save As to not overwrite the original. Any changes made directly to the original may cause the report to fail. Deleting an ad hoc report permanently removes it and any saved criteria associated with it. If the report has been published, the published version and any report subscriptions associated with it are also permanently removed.

Generate Ad Hoc Reports

Required Permissions — Allow WFO Ad Hoc Reporting, plus at least one report type permission (for example, Allow Viewing Call Reports)

  1. Click the category for the report you want to generate.
  2. Double-click the report you want to generate, or click View on the row for that report.
  3. Review the report criteria and make any applicable changes.
  4. Click Generate Report.

Publish Ad Hoc Reports

Required Permissions — Allow WFO Ad Hoc Reporting, plus at least one report type permission (for example, Allow Viewing Call Reports)

You must publish a report to use it with report subscriptions. Once a report has been published, it can no longer be edited.

  1. Click the category for the report you want to publish.
  2. Double-click the report you want to publish, or click View on the row for that report.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Click Publish.
  6. You can enter a name for the published report. The default value is the existing name of the report.
  7. Click OK and then click Close.