Field Categories in the Ad Hoc Report Builder

Field categories provides access to the database fields you use to build reports. The categories and specific fields vary depending on the type of report. In some cases, field labels in this section are affected by your system's terminology settings.

NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics Reports

Field Categories for Call Recording Reports

Field Categories for Quality Assurance Reports

Quality Assurance (QA) data available for ad hoc reporting includes both QA form data and completed QA data. It is important not to mix these data types. Mixing them can yield inaccurate, inconsistent, or unexpected results. In general, QA reporting can serve two purposes:

  • Reporting on available QA forms (QA forms, sections, questions, and available responses).
  • Reporting on completed QA evaluations, which is what the vast majority of the printable reports provide

Using a single interface to create reports for both purposes is challenging because this data has different meanings and is linked together depending on context. To help ensure accurate reporting, keep the following in mind when building reports:

  • Use categories beginning with "QA" to report on available QA forms (for example, a listing of forms that include a specific question)
  • Use categories beginning with "Completed QA" to report on QA evaluations (for example, a listing of evaluations performed by a specific evaluator)