Use the Media Player

The HTML5 Media Player enables you to play recordings from the Recorded Interactions list. It opens automatically when you play a recording. By default, it opens in the same window and tab as the Recorded Interactions list, but you can choose to open a recording in a new window, and you can change the default behavior.

The Media Player has three panes that display different information about a recorded interaction: 

  • Video/Audio pane—Displays the audio portion of a recorded interaction with a waveform display that shows you a visual representation of the sounds and voices recorded during the call and includes a set of controls and other options that you can use when playing the recording.
  • Screen Capture pane—Displays the video portion of recordings, if your organization uses NICE Uptivity Screen Recording. This pane includes a set of controls so you can zoom in and out on the video. If your organization does not use NICE Uptivity Screen Recording, you can hide the Screen Capture pane by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the pane.
  • Details pane—Displays information about any events that have been tagged in the recording. If this pane is empty, the recording doesn't contain any tagged events.

Open the Media Player

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Interactions List.
  2. Click the Play icon next to a recording. The Media Player opens in the same browser window below the Recorded Interactions list.
  3. If you want to open the player in a new browser window, pause or stop the playback, then right-click on the recording in the Recorded Interactions list and click Play In New Window.

Use the Video/Audio Pane

The Video/Audio pane gives you controls for playing a recording similar to a standard media player. It shows you a waveform display for the recording, which gives you a visual representation of the audio portion of the call. If a recording contains any events such as screen locks or crosstalk, Uptivity tags those events and displays them in the waveform. You can see additional information about these events in the SwimlanesClosedThe group setting in your ACD/PBX (for example, hunt group, skill group, or labor group). and in the Details pane.

  1. If the Media Player is not already open, click the Play icon next to a recording in the Recorded Interactions list to open it.
  2. Click the Play icon (located on the control bar beneath the waveform display) if the recording doesn't automatically start to play.

  3. Click Swimlanes toggle in the Video/Audio pane to display the Swimlanes and see information about the tagged events in the recording, if there are any.

  4. Click and drag the playback marker (the vertical dark blue line) left or right in the waveform display to start the call playback from a different location.

    Click and drag the vertical playback marker to move within the recording
  5. Use the controls on the left side of the waveform display to zoom or pan through the audio waveform.

  6. If you want to view the waveform display in a larger form, close the Details pane and the Screen Capture pane. You can open the hidden panes by clicking the icons for each one at the top of the Video/Audio pane.

Use the Details Pane

The Details pane shows you information about each tagged event in the recording you are playing back. The tagged events are indicated by color-coded icons in the waveform display in the Video/Audio pane.

  1. If the Media Player is not already open, click the Play icon next to a recording in the Recorded Interactions list to open it.
  2. Locate the Details pane.
  3. Click any of the column headings to sort the table by that column.
  4. If you want to view the Details pane in a larger form, you can resize the Details pane or close the Screen Capture pane.

Use the Screen Capture Pane

The Screen Capture pane shows the agent's desktop as recorded by the Uptivity Screen Capture Client during an interaction. If your organization does not use this feature, or if a particular recording does not include screen recording, this pane will be empty. You can close the Screen Capture pane to hide it.

  1. If the Media Player is not already open, click the Play icon next to a recording in the Recorded Interactions list to open it.
  2. Locate the Screen Capture pane.
  3. Click and drag anywhere on the image in the video pane to view a different part of the captured screen, or use the zoom icons and the arrows to adjust the view.
  4. If you want to view the screen capture pane in a larger form, you can resize the pane or close the Details pane. Click the to reopen the Details pane.

Customize the Media Player

  1. Click Settings in the upper right corner of the Recorded Interactions page.
  2. At the bottom of the Settings dialog box, select or clear the applicable checkboxes and then click Save.