Manage Self-Evaluations
While supervisors can perform evaluations of agents or evaluations of calls, agents can perform self-evaluations. Self-evaluation is a process that helps supervisors see how you view your own performance.
Perform Self-Evaluations
Required Permissions — Allow Viewing of QA Evaluations, Allow Performing Self-Evaluations.
- In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Interactions List
Recorded Interactions.
- Right-click the record, select Evaluate This Agent and then select either In Current Window or In New Window depending on your preference.
- On the Agent Forms Listing page, select the self-evaluation form.
- Review the call while completing the self-evaluation form.
- Click Save as Draft if you need to leave the evaluation in-progress or, click Submit Q.A. Review if you have completed the form.
View Existing Self-Evaluations
Required Permissions — Allow Viewing of QA Evaluations, Allow Performing Self-Evaluations.
From the Search QA Evaluation Page:
- In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Coaching
Quality Assurance
Search QA Evaluations.
- Configure the search criteria and click Search OR locate the saved criteria you want to run and click Apply.
- You can click Save Criteria to save the search set for later use. Then,
- Type a name in the Search Criteria field.
- Select Private or Public.
- Select the checkbox if you want to save this set of criteria as your default set.
- To save this set of criteria over the currently-applied filter, click Save, or, to save it as a new criteria set, click Save as New.
If you apply a saved criteria set that you created, then make changes to the criteria and click Save, your changes overwrite the saved set (in effect, editing the saved set). If you did not create the set, your changes are not saved unless you click Save as New.
- You can click Save Criteria to save the search set for later use. Then,
From the Recorded Interactions List:
- In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Interactions List
Recorded Interactions.
- Right-click the call record you want and select View Completed Evaluations.
Complete In-Progress Self-Evaluations
Required Permissions — Allow Performing QA Evaluations, Allow Performing Self Evaluations, or both
If you have performed any self-evaluations but have only saved them as drafts, the following steps can be used to complete these evaluations:
- Double-click the evaluation to open it.
- Click Edit this QA.
- Make any changes or updates.
- Click Submit Q.A. Review.