
Images in this topic are taken from the Call List. If you are using Recorded Interactions, things may look a little different but the steps remain the same.

Filter Bar

Allows you to clear any selections made on the Filter page and start over.
Save as My Filter
Opens a dialog that allows you to save current selections to the My Filters quick filter.
Returns you to the Call List or Recorded Interactions page without applying any changes.
Returns you to the Call List or Recorded Interactions page with a new filter applied based on your selections.

Filter Operators

The following operators can be used in conjunction with defining many of the filter settings.

The field contents must be an exact match for the provided criteria. For example: CallerID Equals 614-555-5555 will only return calls from that exact phone number.
Not Equals
The field contents must not be an exact match for the provided criteria. For example, CallerID Not Equals 614-555-5555 will return every call recorded except those from 614-555-5555.
Starts With
The field contents must start with the same value as the provided criteria. This operator is useful for area code searches. For example, CallerID Starts With 614 will display every call recorded where Caller ID begins with 614.
Ends With
The field contents must end with the same value as the provided criteria. This operator is useful for locating calls when you only have the last four digits of the caller's phone number. For example, CallerID Ends With 5555 will display every call recorded where Caller ID ends with 5555.
The field contents must contain the same value as the provided criteria, even if the match is not exact. This operator is useful for locating calls with only a partial phone number. For example, CallerID Contains 555-55 will display every call recorded where Caller ID contains the numbers 555-55.
Does Not Contain
The field contents must not contain the same value as the provided criteria. For example, CallerID Does Not Contain 555-5555 will exclude all calls with caller phone number 555-5555, regardless of area code.
Less Than (<)
The field contents must be less than the provided criteria. This operator is used only with numeric and date fields. For example, Record ID Less Than 3264 will exclude every call with a record ID number greater than 3264.
Greater Than (>)
The field contents must be greater than the provided criteria. This operator is used only with numeric and date fields. For example, Record ID Greater Than 3264 will exclude every call with a record ID number less than 3264.
The field contents must match one of a list of values provided as criteria. For example, Extension In 1234, 1235, 1236 will return all calls recorded on the listed extensions.
Not In
The field contents must not match one of a list of values provided as criteria. For example, Extension Not In 1234, 1235, 1236 will return all calls recorded on extensions other than the ones listed.

Data Fields

If your organization uses custom terminology settings, the labels for these fields will match those settings. For more information, see Terminology Settings.

Allows you to search and filter by one or more agents. On the left is a list of all agents in the system, and you can move between list pages using the standard controls at the bottom of the list. When you begin typing an agent's name in the text field, Uptivity dynamically updates the list to match your entry. To add agents to your filter, select an agent from the left column and move the agent to the right column by clicking the > or >> icons. Use the < or << icons to move agents from the right column to the left.
Device ID
Allows you to search and filter by "hardware" identifier in your ACD/PBX (for example, Position ID, Phone Port, DN, or Extension).
Device Alias
Allows you to search and filter by agent-associated identifier in your ACD/PBX (for example, extension, agentID, and so forth).
Agent Name
Allows you to search and filter by full or partial agent name.
ACD Group
Allows you to search and filter based on whether a call was directed to/through a specific ACD group.
ACD Gate
Allows you to search and filter based on whether a call came through a specific ACD gate.
Caller ID
Allows you to search and filter incoming calls by the number from which the call was received. This information is not provided by all integrations.
Dialed Number
Allows you search and filter incoming calls by the number the customer dialed to reach your organization, and outgoing calls by the number dialed by the agent. This information is not provided by all integrations.
Record ID
Allows you search and filter by the internal identifier assigned to the recording by Uptivity.
User 1 — User 15
Allow you to search and filter by the contents of any of these custom data fields used by your organization.
Allows you to search and filter by the channel on which a call was recorded.
Allows you to search and filter based on values in a bookmark associated with a recorded interaction.
QA Group
Allows you to search and filter based on whether the interaction was handled by a member of an QA Group.
Allows you to search and filter by whether the interaction has been assigned to a category. The drop-down list displays your private categories as well as any public or shared categories in your system. Shared categories are only available in the Recorded Interactions list.
This field applies only if your organization uses NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics. Allows you to search and filter using speech analytics tags applied to recorded interactions. The left column displays speech tags in your system; the right column displays tags to be used for filtering. Click the >> and << icons to move tags from one column to the other.

Quality Management, Surveys, and Date Fields

Evaluations Completed
Allows you to search and filter by the number of completed evaluations associated with a recorded interaction.
Avg. QA Score
Allows you to search and filter based on the average score across all QA evaluations associated with a recorded interaction.
Avg. Calibration Score
Allows you to search and filter based on the average score across all calibration evaluations associated with a recorded interaction. Scores are rounded when they appear in the Recorded Interactions, and this may sometimes produce results that seem inaccurate. For example, if you set a filter to return calls where the average calibration score was less than 50%, calls with an average score of 49.5 - 49.9% will be included but the score will display as 50%.
Avg. Self-Evaluation Score
Allows you to search and filter based on the average score across all self-evaluations associated with a recorded interaction. Scores are rounded when they appear in the Recorded Interactions, and this may sometimes produce results that seem inaccurate. For example, if you set a filter to return calls where the average self-evaluation score was less than 50%, calls with an average score of 49.5 - 49.9% will be included but the score will display as 50%.
Designed to assist QA teams that perform evaluations on random sets of calls. This field works in conjunction with any other selected criteria. Once all other selected criteria are applied to the records, Randomizer finds and displays a random selection of calls meeting the desired criteria. You can select whether Randomizer displays a chosen number of calls or a percentage of calls.
Survey Score
This field applies only if your organization uses NICE Uptivity Survey. Allows you to search and filter based on the score for an NICE Uptivity Survey associated with a recorded interaction. This field accepts only positive numeric values and considers only completed surveys.
Other Score Values
This field applies only if your organization uses NICE Uptivity Survey. Allows you to search and filter based on survey score values other than those for a completed survey. The drop-down list allows you to select Inc(that is, incomplete), N/A, or Both.
Start Date
Allows you to set a starting date and time so you can search and filter based on whether an interaction was recorded during a specific date range.
End Date
Allows you to set an ending date and time so you can search and filter based on whether an interaction was recorded during a specific date range.
Relative Date
Provides the following selection of pre-configured date ranges in a drop-down list: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, and Last Month.

Day of the Week, Duration, Data Comparison, and Other Fields

Day of the Week
Allows you to search and filter for recordings from one or more days of the week. When you select this criteria item, the list of days turns blue, indicating that all days are selected. Clicking a day removes it from the filter and changes the coloring back to normal.
Allows you to search and filter for calls that lasted for at least a specific length of time. The Hours, Minutes, and Seconds fields accept whole numbers.
Allows you to search and filter for calls that lasted less than a specific length of time. The Hours, Minutes, and Seconds fields accept whole numbers.
Call Direction
Allows you to search and filter based on the call direction as selected from the drop-down list. The field accepts the values Inbound, Outbound, or Inbound or Outbound.
Screen Capture
Allows you to search and filter based on whether the interaction included screen recording as selected from the drop-down list. The field accepts the values Only calls with screen capture, Only calls without screen capture, or Calls with or without screen capture.
Call Type
This parameter is no longer used in Uptivity.
Display Records
Allows you to specify the records to be shown in the filtered list. The field accepts the following values from a drop-down list: That match all of the above (AND) or That match any of the above (OR).

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