New Role Page

Basic Information

Role Name
Displays the unique name for this role.
Allows you to describe the permissions, users, or both associated with this role.
Created by
Displays the username of the person who originally created this role, as well as the date and time the role was first saved. If the role has not yet been saved for the first time, this field displays "@Never". This field cannot be edited.
Modified by
Displays the username of the person who last saved this role, as well as the date and time the role was last saved, even if no changes were made at that time. If the role has not yet been saved for the first time, this field displays "@Never". This field cannot be edited.

Permissions Definitions

Associated QA Groups

The right and left arrow icons allow you to move groups from one column to the other.

Unattached QA Group
Displays all QA Groups not currently associated with the role.
Attached QA Group
Displays all QA Groups that are currently associated with the role.


The large field displays a list of any ACD groups associated with this role. The smaller field allows you to type new ACD groups to be added to the list. You must type the name of the ACD group exactly as it appears in the PBX.

The add icon (designated by a green plus sign) allows you to add a group to the list. The delete icon (designated by the red x) allows you to remove a group from the list.

ACD Gate

The large field displays a list of any ACD gates associated with this role. The smaller field allows you to enter new ACD gates to be added to the list. You must type the name of the ACD gate exactly as it appears in the PBX.

The add icon (designated by a green plus sign) allows you to add a gate to the list. The delete icon (designated by the red x) allows you to remove a gate from the list.

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