License Information Report

Fields displayed on this page are informational only and cannot be edited.

System License Available
Specifies whether a valid system license is available. The field displays a value of either Yes or No. If the displayed value is No, contact Uptivity Support.
License ID
Displays the license ID if applicable.
Licensed To
Displays the name of the organization or entity to which the application is licensed.
Expires On
Displays the license expiration date, if applicable. This field is typically blank in a production system.
Licensed Audio Ports
Displays the number of licensed audio recording ports or channels associated with your system. The field displays positive numeric values. For related information, see Voice Boards Overview.
Licensed Insight Seats
Associated with a deprecated feature and may safely be disregarded.
Licensed to Brand Insight
Associated with a deprecated feature and may safely be disregarded.
Licensed Analytics Seats
Displays the number of licensed seats of NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics associated with your system. The field displays positive numeric values.
Licensed Survey Channels
Displays the number of licensed seats of NICE Uptivity Survey associated with your system. The field displays positive numeric values.
Licensed Screen Capture Ports
Displays the number of licensed seats of NICE Uptivity Screen Recording associated with your system. The field displays positive numeric values.
Licensed Desktop Only Ports
Displays the number of licensed seats of desktop-only NICE Uptivity Screen Recording associated with your system. Desktop-only recording allows for screen recording with no associated audio recording events. The field displays positive numeric values.
Maximum Concurrent Recordings
Displays the maximum number of audio interactions (calls) that can be recorded at one time. This type of licensing is typically associated with specific integrations. The field displays positive numeric values.
Licensed to Reload Voice Boards
Specifies whether your system is licensed for the Voice Board Reloading feature. This feature is only supported in some integrations and allows you to dynamically reallocate voice board channels to add or remove extensions. The field displays a value of either Yes or No.

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