Play Recordings
The inContact WFO Web Portal provides access to recordings made by inContact WFO.
This topic explains how to play a recorded interaction.
For more information, see Recording Playback Overview.
Images in this topic are taken from the Call List. If
- In the inContact WFO Web Portal, click Interactions List Call List or Recorded Interactions.
- Locate the call record, right-click, and select Play from the pop-up menu.
- Select whether to play the call In Current Window or In New Window.
To play recordings in a new window, the web browser must be configured to allow pop-up windows.
- If applicable, select whether to play the call With Video or Without Video.
This option is not available with the HTML5 Interaction Player; video, when available, plays automatically.
- Optional: Use the controls in the Web Player ( or HTML5 Interaction Player) interface to adjust the playback.
See Also
- Finding Recordings Overview — for more information on locating specific recorded interactions
- Details: Web Player — for more information on the Web Player interface
- Details: HTML5 Interaction Player — for more information on the HTML5 Interaction Player interface