Page Details: QA Forms Listing

Page Control Fields

Enables you to limit the forms shown based on your selections.
Form State
Allows you to view All forms or filter the list based on whether forms are Active or Disabled. The default value is Active.
Form Type
Allows you to view All forms or filter the list based on whether forms are QA Forms, Calibration Forms, or Self-Evaluation Forms. The default value is All.
Allows you to view All forms or display only those forms associated with specific inContact Groups. The default value is All.
Enables you to edit the form.
Allows you to disable the form. If the form is already disabled, this control will say Enable instead.

Form Information Fields

Form Name
Displays the name assigned to the form by its creator.
Denotes whether the form is active or disabled.
Edit By
Displays the username of the last person to save the form in the QA Form Editor.
Form Type
Displays an icon indicating whether the form is a standard QA evaluation form (designated by a checkmark icon), a self-evaluation form (designated by a person icon), or a calibration evaluation (designated by a dial icon).
Create Date
Displays the date the form was originally created.
Disable Date
Displays the date the form was last disabled. Forms can be disabled and enabled multiple times. If a form has never been disabled, the field is blank.
Forms Completed
Denotes the number of times an evaluation has been submitted with this particular form.
Last Form
Displays the submission date of the last evaluation completed with this form. If the form has never been used for a submitted evaluation, this field displays "12/31/9999."

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