Details: Hybrid Services

Depending on the services included in your deployment, you may not have all of these services. In some situations, you may have multiples of certain services. In the case of multiples, the inContact WFO installation team gives each instance of the service a different name so you can tell which one generated the log entry.

Connection Pooling Service
Description — In Hybrid deployments of inContact WFO, the Connection Pooling service pools connection requests from a variety of services and sends them across a single port to facilitate communication from the customer site to the cloud and vice versa. Separate instances of this service reside on a server at the customer's site and in the inContact cloud.
Potential Impacts — Issues with this service can prevent calls from being recorded, from being correctly tagged with agent information, and more.
CTI Core
DescriptionCTI Core integrates with your PBX/ACD and makes recording decisions based on the schedules you define in inContact WFO. At least one CTI Core is required for most integrations, but inContact WFO supports multiple cores, both on an individual server and within a multi-server system. The actual name of the service is CallCopy CTICore.
Potential ImpactsCTI Core issues can prevent calls from being recorded, from being correctly tagged with agent information, or both.
File Manager Service
Description — In Hybrid deployments of inContact WFO, the File Manager service listens for file move and directory delete commands and moves files to the Storage Cloud. File Manager resides on a server at the customer's site.
Potential Impacts — Issues with this service will not prevent calls from being recorded, but may prevent recordings from being stored properly, from being available to users on a timely basis, or both.
Hub: WFM
Description — In systems that include inContact Workforce Management v1 or inContact Workforce Management v2, the WFM Hub service manages integration to various data sources. There are typically two WFM Hub services per inContact WFO system, with one WFM Hub instance for real-time and another for historical data. The actual name of the service is CallCopy Data Hub, usually including an instance number (for example, CallCopy Data Hub 2).
Potential ImpactsWFM Hub issues will not prevent calls from being recorded, nor prevent users from accessing inContact WFO. Issues with the real-time Hub can impact features like the Real-Time Roster, while issues with the historical Hub can impact user ability to create forecasts and schedules.
Interaction Manager
Description — In Hybrid deployments of inContact WFO, the Interaction Manager service manages the interactions and communication between recording-related services from the time recording begins until the time the recording is inserted in the database; at that point, it cleans up the recording session. This service lives on a server at the customer's site.
Potential Impacts — Issues with this service will not prevent calls from being recorded, but may prevent recordings from being stored properly, from being available to users on a timely basis, or both.
Description — The inContact WFO Logger service manages error logging and notifications. In multi- server Hybrid and Premises inContact WFO systems, the Logger service is installed on each server. The actual name of the service is CallCopy Logger.
Potential Impacts — Issues with Logger itself are not likely to be user-affecting. However, if Logger is not working correctly, other error conditions may not be logged.
Screen Cap Server
DescriptioninContact Screen Recording is an optional, separately-licensed feature that allows you to record agent workstation activity and to view agent desktops in near-real time. The Screen Recording Server service manages connections from inContact Screen Recording clients. A system may have one or more instances of the Screen Recording Server service if this feature is used. The actual name of the service is CC_ScreenCapServer.
Potential ImpactsScreen Cap Server issues may prevent agent workstation activity from being recorded, from being associated with the correct audio recordings, or both.
Description — The inContact WFO Transcoder service converts raw audio files recorded by the system into compressed, .wav formatted audio files that are optimized for storage and playback retrieval. It also processes blackouts for video recordings.All inContact Workforce Optimization systems have at least two Transcoder instances, one for audio and one for video. However, the total number of Transcoder instances depends on your system architecture. For example, if you have multiple audio recording servers, you may have one Transcoder on each. If you have multiple sites (Locations), there may be a dedicated server running Transcoder at each Location. The actual name of the service is cc_Transcoder. s
Potential ImpactsTranscoder issues will not prevent calls from being recorded, nor prevent users from accessing inContact WFO. However, issues with this service may prevent recordings from being processed correctly and can result in those recordings being corrupted, temporarily or permanently inaccessible, or both.
Web Media Server
Description — The inContact WFO Web Media Server service provides audio and video streaming for playback and live monitoring. In a multi-Location environment, a separate Web Media Server service must be configured for each Location. The actual name of the service is cc_WebMediaServer.
Potential Impacts — In Hybrid deployments, the Web Media Server instance on the customer site server handles live monitoring only. Therefore, issues with this service will not prevent calls from being recorded, but may prevent one or more users from monitoring agents in real time.
WebSocket Server
Description — The WebSocket Server service supports HTML5 playback. This service is not present in versions of inContact WFO prior to v5.6. In Premises deployments, WebSocket Server runs on any server that hosts a inContact WFO Web Portal. Depending on your system architecture, you may have one or more instances of WebSocket Server. The actual name of the service is cc_WebSocketServer.
Potential Impacts — In Hybrid deployments, the WebSocket Server instance on the customer site server handles live monitoring only. Therefore, issues with this service will not prevent calls from being recorded, but may prevent one or more users from monitoring agents in real time using the Recorded Interactions list or the HTML5 Player.