inContact Workforce Management v1 Services Overview

inContact Workforce Management v1 includes a number of different services that perform various functions within the application. As a inContact WFM v1 administrator, you should have a basic understanding of what these services are and how they work together to help inContact WFM v1 meet the needs of your organization.

Depending on your installation, you may not have all of the services discussed in this topic. On the other hand, some installations may have multiples of certain services. The design document created by your inContact Workforce Management v1 Sales Engineer will show you the services used in your installation, and the server(s) on which they are located.

Basic inContact Workforce Management v1 Services

The following services are part of every inContact Workforce Management v1 system. Most of these services operate completely behind the scenes and do not require additional configuration on your part. In fact, changing the settings for some of these services can have serious negative impact on your inContact WFM v1 system.

Some services are associated with functionality that does require your administration. For these services, you will see references to more detailed information in the following descriptions.

Data Processing Service
The Data Processing Service is used only in systems that include inContact Workforce Management v1. It is used to used to calculate historical Average Abandon Time, Average Time to Answer, Agent Status, and Average Handle Time based on ACD data in the database. The service also writes historical records to the AgentStatus table. The actual name of the service is DataProcessingService.
Forecast Service
The Forecast Service is used only in systems that include inContact Workforce Management v1. It is used to calculate and produce call volume predictions for use in scheduling. The actual name of the service is Clarity Forecast Service.
The inContact WFO Logger service manages error logging and notifications. In multi- server Hybrid and Premises inContact WFO systems, the Logger service is installed on each server. The actual name of the service is CallCopy Logger. The Logger creates files of errors, events, and other information associated with different inContact Workforce Management v1 services. These log files can be used by inContact WFO Support to troubleshoot issues with your system. For more information on this service, see Logging & Alerts Overview.
Notification Service
The Notification Service is used in all Hybrid systems and in Premises systems that include inContact Workforce Management v1. It provides email notifications to users regarding other services. For example, this service notifies users when requested forecasts or file exports are ready. If you have multiple servers in your inContact WFO system, Notification Service should be installed on at least one server per site (LAN). The actual name of the service is cc_NotificationService.
Service Bus Proxy
The Service Bus Proxy service is used only in systems that include inContact Workforce Management v1. It facilitates communication between Forecast Service and the inContact WFM v1 Web Portal using the inContact WFO service bus, RabbitMQ. The actual name of the service is cc_serviceBusProxy.
In systems that include inContact Workforce Management v1 or inContact Workforce Management v2, the WFM Hub service manages integration to various data sources. There are typically two WFM Hub services per inContact WFO system, with one WFM Hub instance for real-time and another for historical data. The actual name of the service is CallCopy Data Hub, usually including an instance number (for example, CallCopy Data Hub 2).

Service Manager

If your organization uses both inContact WFO and inContact Workforce Management v1, the Service Manager in the inContact WFO Web Portal is used to centrally manage all services regardless of the server on which they are located. For more information, see Page Details: Service Manager.

In order for the Service Manager to load and control services, CometDaemon and Service Manager must be installed, configured, and running on each inContact WFO system server (Server Node). Otherwise, the Service Manager will show that it is not connected to that node (for example, the Analytics Server II in the following image).

The Service Manager is initially configured at the time your system is installed. Changes may be required later if services are added or moved to a different physical or virtual server. This level of change should only be completed by or under the supervision of inContact WFO Support.