PC Requirements

The following requirements apply to workstations using the inContact WFO Web Portal, the inContact WFM v1 Web Portal, or both, as well as those running On-Demand Clients, inContact Screen Recording clients, or the inContact Desktop Analytics desktop display.

Software Requirements

inContact WFO has been tested with and is supported for:

  • Operating Systems — Windows 7/8.0/8.1
  • Web Browsers — Internet Explorer v11, Firefox ESR 31 and ESR 38

The inContact WFO Web Player uses Microsoft Silverlight functionality. As of Google Chrome v45, Silverlight is no longer supported. Silverlight continues to be fully supported by Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Users should take these factors into account when choosing a web browser.

If your web browser standard is Google Chrome (in other words, Internet Explorer or Firefox are not options), please see your sales or support representative about potential early use of the inContact WFO HTML5 Interaction Player. Note that the HTML5 Recorded Interactions list functionality is limited and live monitoring is not yet supported.

Users who play call recordings, screen recordings, or both also need:

  • Microsoft Silverlight browser plug-in v5.0.61118.0 or higher

If your deployment includes inContact Desktop Analytics, each PC on which the client application is installed needs:

  • .NET Framework v4.5.2

If your deployment includes screen recording, each PC to be recorded needs:

  • .NET Framework v4.0

If your deployment includes on-demand recording, each PC running the On-Demand Client needs:

  • .NET Framework v2.0 (this version is not included by default with Windows 8.1 but can be enabled via the Windows Control Panel)

Hardware Requirements

The minimum workstation specifications for users who simply view information in a web portal are:

  • 2.0 GHz Processor
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 50 MB hard drive space
  • 1280 X 800 (minimum screen resolution at 16-bit color depth)

Users who monitor calls, screen activity, or both; who perform quality evaluations; and who in general use the web portals more heavily will normally benefit from more powerful PCs. For these users, inContact recommends:

  • 3Ghz or 1.6Ghz dual core
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 50 MB hard drive space
  • 1280 X 1024 or higher screen resolution at 16-bit color depth

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Support

inContact WFO supports the following virtual desktop systems:

  • Microsoft Terminal Services
  • Citrix XenDesktop
  • VMWare View

inContact WFO does not support Citrix XenApp in application streaming mode for any applications. However, if the endpoint launching the XenApp client is a Windows PC, the inContact Screen Recording client will capture the streamed application windows if the client is running on the Windows PC itself.

VDI does not affect call recording.

Major Considerations

Each application instance in use will consume resources on the customer's VDI. The following table provides some general guidelines regarding resource usage for each inContact WFO application or module; however, inContact strongly recommends testing needed resources by deploying desired applications and modules to a limited number of users and evaluating resource utilization in your specific environment.

inContact WFO Module

Estimated Resource Usage

inContact Screen Recording Client

RAM: 50-250MB, CPU: 1-5% per instance (highly dependent on screen resolution and activity)

On-Demand Client

RAM: 50MB, CPU: 0-2% per instance

Web Player (browser-based Silverlight application)

RAM: 50-500MB, CPU: 1-10% per instance (highly dependent on number of records returned by user queries and size of audio/video files being played)

inContact Desktop Analytics Client

Resource usage can vary greatly depending on the type and number of applications being monitored, which scripts are being used, and so on. Requires testing in customer's environment to determine specifics.

The inContact WFO Web Player is a full audio/video media player built using Microsoft Silverlight. The application may play back data recorded in full HD (in other words, at resolutions greater than 1080p) and the size of the recordings may be significant.

Each VDI vendor has specific caveats and limitations regarding performance for media playback, and most have specific considerations for Silverlight-based media players, especially if the endpoint is a thin or zero client. Consult your vendor for specific information regarding your deployed products.

Microsoft offers a publicly-available Silverlight media player demo application you can use for initial performance testing. Visit Microsoft's iis.net website and search for IIS Smooth Streaming.