Outbound Agent Performance Report

You can use the Outbound Agent Performance report to identify performance metrics specific to an agent or team that is assigned an outbound skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. In other words, this report shows an agent's/team's effectiveness in outbound skills for a selected date or range.

Outbound Agent Performance is one of the Personal Connection Outbound reports available from the Outbound Report Store.

Data in this Report

The Outbound Agent Performance report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. The table below provides a description for each column.

Column Description
Team Team the agents are assigned to.
First Name Agent first name.
Last Name Agent last name.
OB Hours + Unavailable time (hr) Number of outbound and selected unavailable time. (Total is in per hour ratio)
OB Hours Total time logged into outbound skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge.
Logged Hours - PullAgent Total time the agent spent working inbound contacts while remaining in the OB skill.
Talk Time (TT) Total time handling outbound calls.
ACW Time Total time in after contact work (ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction)  or finishing up outbound records.
Wait Time

The amount of time between when the agent becomes available for their next outbound call and the time they are connected with the contact. Includes any ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction time.

Unavailable Time Total time spent in an unavailable outstate during the report period.
Preview Time Total time an agent views a contact before the accepting the contact.
Max Talk Time The longest talk time recorded for the time period specified for a single call.
Handled Number of outbound calls handled.
Agent Retries Number of records that were retried (callbacks).
Unclassified Outcomes Number of records that were dispositioned with an outcome not configured for outbound use.
ACW Timeout Total number of contacts that did not receive an Outcome before the ACW timeout 
Completed Outcomes Number of positives plus negatives plus other outcomes.
Other Outcomes Neither positive nor negative outcome such as no decision, not qualified for offer, etc.
Right Party Contacts Reached the correct party, positive plus negative outcomes.
Positive Outcomes Outcomes or dispositionsClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. defined as positive, such as sale made, interested, collected funds, etc.
Negative Outcomes Outcomes or dispositions defined as negative, such as not interested, add to Do Not Call (DNC) List, etc.
Conversion Rate Positive outcomes/(positive + negative outcomes).
Preview Rejects Number of previews rejected by the agent.
Handled IB (pullagent) Number of inbound calls handled.
Amount If configured, the entered amount that is related to a positive outcome.
Positives/hr Number of positive outcomes per hour.
Negative/hr Number of negative outcomes per hour.
Right party/hr Number of right party (positive + negative) connections per logged-in hour.
Other/hr Number of other outcomes per hour.
Retries/hr Number of records that were retried per hour.
Unclassified/hr Number of records that were dispositioned with an outcome not configured for outbound use per hour.
Handled/hr Average outbound calls handled per logged-in hour.
Completes/hr Average completes per logged-in hour.
Amount/positive Average amount per positive outcome.
Amount/right party Average amount per right party contact.
TT Avg Average talk time for outbound skills.